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*hostess moonwalks onto the stage before spinning and then taking a seat*

"Hi everybody and welcome back to 2 minutes with..."

"Today we will be interviewing the wonderful, writer of 'I married the prince of Darkness...and...My little Secret...' introducing YoungMum04 everybody"

*walks on stage smiling and waving to the applauds of the audience before taking a seat*

Hey and welcome to the show.

Thank you so much for having me it’s an honour to be here.

No problem it's a pleasure, So what name do you like to go by?

Crystal but my friends call me Grizz it’s a nickname my uncle gave me as a baby and my friends and family use it to annoy me.

How did you stumble upon the Wonderful World of Wattpad?

I was looking for a site to read books I typed in read books online and Wattpad jumped out right in front of me. I joined over a year ago and then a couple of months ago I thought I’d give it a go. So I made a new profile and started writing. I’m amazed at how many reads votes and fans I have gotten since.

I have to ask but who in your life inspires you to write? Because your work is really wow...

Oh wow thank you. That really means a lot to me. Honestly it would have to be my Fiancé Daughter and my new born son. They all inspire me to do so much if it wasn’t for them I wouldn’t have even given it ago.

My Little Secret...Which is based on you being a teen mum...You must have got mixed responses from your audience, what was it like?

I did. At first it was a little hard I received a few inbox messages telling me I was stupid for being so irresponsible for bringing a child into the world at such a young age. How will you support a child?. Why didn’t you get an abortion? I got all these questions and the only answer I could give them was. It was my decision I agree I made a mistake but I wouldn’t change a thing I done in the past if I didn’t have sex so young I wouldn’t have my daughter and I wouldn’t want it any other way.

I’ve heard it all before young mums are always being put down by people. Not all young mums are bad. I’ve raised my daughter very well and not once has she ever gone without and I’ll raise my son the exact same way. I also received a lot of comments telling me how strong I am and how brave I was for writing My Little

I don't think young mums are bad at all...See i'm a product of a teenage pregnancy and i have to say i think my mum has done a bloody good job seeing as I'm about to go to University soon...And I'm glad that you didn't't give up like some might have done :)

Anyways...Do you have anyWattpad book recommendations?

Persuade me by eflagella

Ahhh good choice i love that book...Really random question...But if you could be an animal, what would you be?

You’re right that is a random question lol I guess I’d have to be my daughter’s favourite animal which is a dugong. If I had to choose one for myself I’d be a seal :D

Lastly do you have any tips for girls out there who are about to go through teen pregnancy?

• Don’t keep it a secret for too long.

• Don’t be afraid to talk to someone about it.

• If you don’t want a baby practice safe sex (I can’t tell you not to have sex but be safe).

• If you feel depressed talk to someone don’t bottle it up (it only makes things worse).

• Don’t ever let anyone tell you can’t be a good mum or dad.

• If you ever need someone to talk to please INBOX ME I’d be glad to talk to you.

• Tell your parents don’t hide it from them until you’re over half way through. (They might be more supportive then you think they will).

Well thank you for this, I have thoroughly enjoyed it and your new born child...and best wishes for you and your family.

It was my pleasure. Thank you speaking of the little man its bottle time. A mothers job is never done.

 Haha have fun ^ _^

*says goodbye to audience before walking off*

"Awww wasnt she just sweet, Anyways guys stay tuned to find out who will be the next Watty Writer on 2 minutes with..."

"Lola Sparks out."

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