Chapter 18

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The doorbell rings and I rush to get it.

"Did someone say 'girl's night'?" Mary is leaning against the doorjamb with her hand resting on her hip in a dramatic fashion. I laugh and pull her inside.

Some might consider it a bit weird, to hang out with your boyfriend's mom at her house while he's out of town, but we're actually having a lot of fun. Sharon makes us popcorn and serves us ice cream while we sit and watch episode after episode of Downton Abbey, getting fatter by the minute.

After the end of the third season, we decide to call it quits and move on to something else.

"Ugh, why did Mathew have to die? It just ruins everything. Now both Thomas and Mary are widowed! They should hook up. That way no one would be alone anymore," Mary says as she scrapes the bottom of her now empty Ben & Jerries pint.

I roll my eyes. "They can't do that. They're in-laws. It would just be wrong... on so many levels." I crinkle my nose. She shrugs and tosses the container to the side.

Sharon says, "Okay, well how about we move on to manny petties. I know you girls aren't too old for that yet."

"Yes please, Sharon! I call first dibs on colors." They both start to head upstairs, but I stay back.

Mary turns to look at me. "Yo. Aren't you coming?"

I nod. "Yeah, in a minute. I am just gunna grab a glass of water real quick." I don't want to lie to her, but I really don't feel like answering any questions about Dan at the moment. I wait until she is safely upstairs before opening up Sharon's laptop. The screen blips on.

I click on the search engine and open up my email. There's one new message in the inbox, and my heart starts to pound again- I know it's from Dan.

Just as I go to click on it, the doorbell's shrill call rings throughout the house, giving me the perfect excuse to put off reading his response.

"I'll get it!" I yell.

I run to the door and pull it open. My heart drops and I resist the urge to roll me eyes. Not this again.

Of course Bella has to show up now, at the most inopportune moment ever. She stands there with a smirk on her face and ice in her eyes. I stare daggers at her, trying my hardest to keep my temper in check.

"Caela, darling, how are you?" She says, her tone dripping fake sincerity.

"Bella." Is all I say in return.

She purses her lips and clears her throat. "Well I can see I am not the most welcome company at the moment, but would you be so kind as to let me in? I left something here from the party that Sharon promised to return to me."

I glare at her, unconvinced. "So why didn't you just come pick it up before then? Why wait until now?"

She smiles sweetly. "There was simply never a good opportunity."

This time, I do roll my eyes, but I let her in anyway. She walks swiftly past me and into the living room, just like the first time we met. Grumbling, I follow her.

"So what exactly was it that you left?"

"My camera. I must've forgotten it in one of the rooms."

"Okay, well wait here and I'll be right back. Don't... like, touch anything." I say, and quickly walk over to the computer to shut the lid halfway. Don't want anyone snooping, that's for sure.

I walk up the stairs and go to find Sharon.


Bella's POV

Does she really think that closing the lid is going to stop me? And here I was thinking that she was actually smart. How pathetic.

I walk swiftly and quietly over to the laptop, raising the screen all the way up. Her email is open, and I scan the page to see what she was trying to hide. I spot her inbox with the big, red notification on it telling her that she has one new message.

"Expecting to hear from someone, I see. Well let us check- don't want to keep you waiting too long, now do we?" I say, hearing the sneer creep into my voice. I deftly click on her inbox and the new email pops up. It's from Dan.


I almost can't believe it. This is the most amazing thing that's ever happened to me- us! I know this is all a bit overwhelming at the moment, and the only regret I have is not being able to be there for you. But I just want you to know that this changes nothing. I love you, and if having a baby means that we need to solidify or finalize our relationship then fine. I mean, we were bound to get to that point sooner or later, right? This just sort of speeds up the process. You have no idea how happy I am to be a father. We'll be great parents, I know it. Just stay strong and I'll be home soon. I love you.


My hands are trembling violently by the time I finish reading the email. Dan never said those things to me. Sure, he treated me well and made me feel special. But not like this. He never confessed a love, so filled with integrity, like this to me. No one has. Not even close.

I can feel my eyes start to sting with unshed tears and feel one slip out unwillingly. Angry and embarrassed that I let him get to me like this, I furiously wipe at my eyes. If this is how it's going to be then fine, I'll leave them alone. The two can be as happy as can be without me, and life will go on.


My head snaps up as a new idea comes to me. I drag the cursor over to the delete button and click it, erasing Dan's email. I quickly log out of her account and into Dan's. The password and username are both correct, and I struggle to stifle my laughter. He really is an idiot for giving me his password and not changing it after we broke up.

I wait for it to load, thanking God that it's taking Caela and Sharon so long to find my camera. I just have one last thing to do, one last bomb to set and start ticking before I can walk away. Like I said before, if I can't have him, then no one can.

The Fan- A Bastille/Dan Smith FanfictionDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora