Chapter 14

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A couple days have passed since the party and Christmas is in 3 days. I bought Dan all of his gifts yesterday, but it wasn't easy sneaking out of the house without him noticing. Luckily he was busy working at the time, so I was able to shop for a good 4 hours. I found him, in my opinion, the perfect gifts and can't wait to see his face when he opens them.

We left Dan's parents' house a few days ago, switching over to his flat so that we can have some privacy. I've been lazy all morning, sitting on the couch watching reruns of The Office, and I have no intentions of ever moving from this spot. Dan, however, seems to have other ideas for our day.

He saunters in and plops down next to me on the couch. I glance at him quickly before turning back to the T.V., not wanting to miss any of my show. Dan stares at me for a little longer before poking my shoulder.

"Watchya' doin?" He asks in a childish voice.

I don't look at him as I say, "Trying to watch my show." I mumble it though, so it probably sounds more like, "Trayenah werch meh shoouwwhm."

"What?" He pokes me again. "What're you doing?"

This time I just straight up ignore him. I can see him frown and move closer in my peripheral vision. I jump as I hear his voice right next to me ear.

"Caaaeeeelllllaaaa, oh Caela Wayla." I smile, trying to hold back a grin. He's just so strange.

Dan ends up wrapping his arms and legs around my body, going all Koala on me. We both collapse onto the couch, weighed down by his body, but he refuses to let go. I start cracking up when he starts to softly sing the words to The Weight of Living.

"Help! Help, there's an albatross around my neck!" I yell. Dan makes some awful animal noise, resembling that of a dying moose. We laugh so hard that tears begin to run down our faces.

I catch my breath long enough to say, "Is that even what an albatross sounds like?"

"I have no freaking clue," he says which just makes us laugh harder. Finally, Dan rolls off of me and sits up. I do the same, chuckling softly and wiping tears from my eyes.

"So I was thinking maybe we could go ice-skating or something today. To get into the holiday spirit and such." He says.

"Oh no. No, no, no. Bad idea." I reply, shaking my head.

"How come?"

"Because! You how much I suck at ice-skating. This whole thing has 'epic fail' written all over it." I say.

"Aw, come on! It'll be fun! I won't let you fall. And I won't try to trip you either, despite what happened last time."

I frown at him and cross my arms over my chest.

"I swear!" He pouts. "Pleeeeaaase?"

I roll my eyes and say, "Ugh, fine. But you owe me one."

We arrive at the ice rink about an hour later, all bundled up in scarves and gloves. Despite my growing hate for this particular activity, I must admit that Dan looks adorable. He has a brown and yellow printed scarf wrapped around his neck and a red beanie for a hat. The only things showing are his eyes and nose, which is rosy due to the cold air. He turns and catches me looking at him. A blush creeps up the parts of his cheeks that are visible and his eyes crinkle in what I know is a shy smile. I smile back and catch myself blushing as well; he's just so darn cute!

We rent out some skates and sit down to put them on. I am a little wobbly when I first stand, but then quickly gain my balance. They're actually pretty easy to walk on. Dan and I shuffle slowly onto the ice. I grip his arm tightly with my hands, refusing to let go in case I fall. If I go down, then he's coming with me.

I squeal in fear as we begin to gently glade across the ice. He keeps his arms around me as we lap the rink, but soon lets go as I get the hang of it. I pick up speed, dodging kids and other couples skating around. This is actually pretty fun.

Dan catches up with me and we hold hands as the cold wind whips past us. We decide to have a competition to see who can do the best figure eights. I deem myself the winner, mostly because mine are the neatest and I don't fall- unlike him.

I laugh and reach out a hand to help him up. I try my hardest, but I can't get a good grip and he's too heavy to pull up without slipping. Before I can let go though, Dan hooks his foot under my skates, sending me plummeting towards the ground. I wheel my arms in an attempt to regain my balance, but my feet slip out from under me anyway.

I brace myself for the hard impact of the ice, but it never comes. Instead, strong arms wrap around me before I hit the ground. I open my eyes and catch him laughing at my frightened expression.

"Told you I wouldn't let you fall," he says.

"Yeah, and you also said that you wouldn't trip me again. Lies." I say, while punching him in the arm.

Dan laughs and rubs his arm. He moves his head closer to mine, our noses almost touching.

"Do you forgive me?" He whispers.

I smile and say, "Hm, I don't know. You're going to have to repay me in some way."

He grins mischievously and says, "Okay."

Dan leans forward and gently touches our lips together. The frigid air between us is eliminated, immediately replaced by a heated electricity. His nose is cold as it brushes against mine, and my body tingles from the sensation. His lips are warm and soft, thawing out my frozen ones. He wraps me up in his arms and holds me close, right there on the ice. I smile inwardly at how strange we must look right now, but I just can't seem to care.

We're interrupted by a cantankerous boy trying to play a game of ice-hockey with his friends.

"Hey lady, can you and your boyfriend take this somewhere else please? My mates and I are trying to play a game, if you don't mind!"

Dan pulls back and looks at the boy.

"Sure kid. No problem." He stands up and offers me his hand. I grab it and pull myself up.

As we start to walk away, Dan "accidentally" kicks the puck down to the other end of the ice.

"Hey!" the boy yells.

Dan looks back and says, "Oh, so sorry mate. My bad!" We look at each other and try to hold in our laughter as we quickly skate away.

After we finish skating, we get hot chocolates and decide to walk back to Dan's apartment since it's only a couple blocks down the road. Our fingers are intertwined as walk, and I feel like a proper girlfriend for once.

We joke and laugh the whole way, making my face hurt from smiling so much. Once we get inside, Dan practices the piano while I lounge on the couch and listen.

'These streets are yours,

You can keep them.

I don't want them.

They pull me back and I surrender,

To the memories I run from.'

His voice is flawless and warmly flows over me. It reminds me of the first time we met, that night in Nebraska so long ago.

Before he can continue, I purposefully sing the next verse completely off-key.

"Oh we have paved these streeeeeeets!" Dan stops and looks up with an appalled expression that makes me crack up.

"Was that... you?" he says with mock surprise.

"Oh you know it, Danny Boy." I reply with a grin.

I start to sing again, even worse than the first time, and Dan quickly jumps from his chair to tickle me before I can go on. I am squirming with laughter, but refuse to give up. He continues to tickle me relentlessly, targeting all of my weak spots.

"Do you give up?" he says.

I am gasping for air as I say, cracking up, "Ok! Ok, I give up! You win!" He laughs triumphantly and sits back.

He gets up and turns on the T.V., putting a DVD in. He comes back and sits next to me, wrapping his arms around me.

"What're we watching?" I ask.

"I thought it was about time we watched a little 'Holiday Classic'. It's not Christmas without Home Alone!"

I smile at his evident enthusiasm and snuggle deeper into his embrace.

"You read my mind, Daniel." Dan's arm tightens around my shoulders and pulls me closer as the movie starts. This has been the absolute perfect day.

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