Chapter 15

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Dan's POV

I roll over and deeply inhale the smell of roses. The sensation brings a smile to my lips, and I open my eyes to find myself buried in Caela's hair. Ah, so that's where the smell is coming from.

Propping myself up on my elbow, I quietly watch her sleep in the dim lighting of the bedroom. Her face is intent, her full lips turning down at the corners. There's a slight furrow in between her eyebrows as well, and it looks as if she's trying hard to concentrate. It's one of the cutest faces I've ever seen her make.

I silently jump out of bed as fast as I can, trying my very hardest not to wake Caela. It's December 25, Christmas Day, and I didn't set out her presents last night. There's a reason for that, however she isn't allowed to know what that reason is until she actually opens them.

I slide around the kitchen, racing to get breakfast ready. I've decided to make Christmas morning rolls, or as I like to call them, "sticky buns". I am not at all a cook, but they're Caela's favourite, so I thought I might as well try.

I put the rolls in the oven and set the timer for 45 minutes. Finally, I decide it's time to get the presents ready. I take out the sloppily wrapped (oops) items from their hiding spots and set them strategically under the small but brightly lit tree in the living room. Once all of the gifts are laid out, I slowly walk towards the door that leads to the garage. There's one last thing I have to get.

Before I even open the door, I can hear thumping coming from the other side and cringe as something crashes to the floor. I really hope Caela didn't hear that. The door slides open a crack, and I take a quick peek inside. The room is a mess. The trash can is overturned, there are various stains all over the floor, and basically anything that could've been torn has been. I sigh, run a hand through my hair, and look down.

"You, my friend, are a mess. God, I hope you're worth it."

Caela's POV

I jerk awake to a loud noise coming from downstairs. Did something just fall? I get up and gingerly set my feet onto the cold floor, tip-toeing into the hallway.

"Dan?" I call.


"Everything ok?"

"Um, yes, everything's fine! Just hold on a sec." I hear him run, open a door, and slam it before he says, "Alright, now you can come down."

I jump down the stairs and grin. There's presents under the tree, freshly brewed coffee, my favorite breakfast items on the table, and Dan starts to play some old-time Christmas music just as I enter the room.

"Merry Christmas, Caela!"

"Merry Christmas!" I laugh as he starts singing to "Santa Clause is Coming to Town". I sing with him, and we take a few minutes to let loose and burst into song. We rock out in the kitchen until a loud beeping noise interrupts us. Dan quickly grabs some rather girly oven mitts and pulls out a pan of delicious smelling rolls. The image of him baking is so hilarious that I can't help but take a picture on my phone. He proudly holds out the pan with his mitts and puts on a big, cheesy smile- looking startlingly similar to Kyle. I post it on Instagram with the caption, "I guess Christmas really is a magical time of year, considering that it moved Dan to bake for once... Let's hope for the best ;) Merry Christmas everyone!" Almost immediately, notifications start popping up. I set my phone aside, distracted by the incredible smell of the rolls.

I grab one and tear it apart, not realizing how hungry I was until now. I hear Dan snickering and look up just in time to see him snap a picture of me. Oh no.

I scowl. "Hey! I wasn't ready!"

He laughs, still looking at his phone, and says, "Well you should've thought of that before you took one of me." He winks before diving into one of his own rolls. I roll my eyes. I knew that was going to come back to haunt me.

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