Chapter 10

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Caela's POV

The next few days are a blur. I vaguely remember what happened in the alleyway after I passed out. Brief glimpses of intense pain and anxious faces are all I have to piece together in my muddled memory.

As I lie in bed with my nose bandaged up and my arm in a sling, people continuously come in and out. Some visit while others fuss over my pillows and bedding, making sure everything is perfect and comfortable. But a few-- Dan and Mary to be exact-- are a constant presence. They take shifts sleeping in my room so that I am never alone, and during the day we talk and watch movies to keep our minds occupied.

The first few days are difficult. My head feels fuzzy and it hurts to take deep breaths, due to my bruised rib. My shoulder is completely immobile and it becomes stiff and cramped in the sling that they put it in. Eventually, though, I am able to find the strength to make the trip to the bathroom. This is the first time since the attack that I have seen my full reflection in a mirror. I look horrible. My face, torso, and upper arms are all bruised, the skin around them black and blue. My nose is thickly covered in a white bandage and the swelling in my left eye and lips is just beginning to go down. I prod my mangled appearance. Gross.

After about 5 days, I am almost fully recovered. They decide to release me from the hospital and allow me to return to the bus. I am on bed rest for about a week, and any use of my right arm is strictly prohibited. Nevertheless, it feels good to be up and walking again.

I haven't seen Dan since the day before yesterday because he left to go help the guys prepare for my arrival. It was Mary's turn to stay with me last night, talking to me and sleeping in a chair next to my bedside.

I emerge from the hospital room for the first time in a week. My nurse, a plump and kind looking woman who appears to be in her late forties, and Mary walk with me down the hall until we make it to the lobby. Everyone else is waiting outside with the bus. Before leaving, I turn to the nurse and give her a warm smile.

"Thanks for taking care of me. You were a big help!" She smiles kindly and gives me a quick hug.

"Oh it was my pleasure, sweetie! Now you be careful and try to stay out of trouble." She winks at me. Her voice has a slight southern drawl to it, adding to her warmth and motherliness. She must not be from around here.

Mary and I exit through the big, automatic doors at the entrance. I barely step outside before I am wrapped up in a massive hug. I am not sure who it is at first, but from the tickle of his beard I assume that it's Kyle. He squeezes me so hard that I feel as if I might pop, but I don't mind. It's nice to finally be around friends again.

He releases his hold and and backs away, looking me up and down.

"How you feelin'?"

I pretend to ponder his question a moment before saying, "Hmmm. Kind of like I've been hit by a truck. But I'll live."

He laughs and says, "Well you look radiant, babes! Your eye seems slightly less swollen as well, so that's a good sign!" He leans in, squinting his eyes and pretending to peer at my complexion. I laugh and shove him away as I hear another voice speak up from behind him.

"Alright Simmons, you've had your fun. Now scram before you steal her away." I grin at the sound of Dan's melodic voice.

Kyle feigns offense and says, "Do you really think so lowly of me to believe that I would take my best mate's girlfriend? Plus, I've already got a certain someone of my own..." He turns his attention to Mary, who has been waiting patiently for him to acknowledge her.

I smile and turn back to Dan. He looks at me, his eyes sparkling.

"Hey you," he says softly.

"Hey yourself," I reply. He smiles and leans in and gently grazes his lips across mine, eliciting a quiet sigh from my mouth. I have been waiting so long to feel Dan's touch again, and I suddenly wish that we were alone. His nose trails along my cheek before he kisses my neck and buries his face in my hair.

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