Chapter 17

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I nervously slide the palms of my hands back and forth against my legs, trying to rid them of their increasing perspiration. Just do it, I tell myself. Call him and get it over with. I reach for my phone, but at the last second, turn away.

"I can't," I say aloud, even though no one is there to listen.

Instead, I grab my laptop and choose the safer route- an email. That way I can just send it quickly without any second thoughts. Ashamed of my cowardice, but still not willing to have a phone call with Dan, I open the computer lid and press the power button.

Nothing happens, so I press it again. And again. And again. Still nothing.

"The battery's dead," I say in frustration. I angrily slam the laptop and grab my purse. I will be sending this email, one way or another.


I ring the doorbell and quickly step back, waiting for someone to answer. God, I hope they're home.

A few moments later, Sharon opens the door. She looks surprised, but happy to see me.

"Oh! Caela! How are you?"

I smile and say, "I am fine, thanks. And yourself?"

"I am very well! What's the matter? You look as if you've seen a ghost. I hope nothing's happened. Are the boys back from their shows yet?"

"Nothing happened! Nothing bad anyway. And no, they're not home yet. That's actually what I came to talk with you about. Could I maybe use your laptop to send a quick email to Dan? It's pretty urgent."

Her eyebrows knit together in concern, but thankfully she doesn't question me. "Of course, of course. Please, come right in."

I say a quick thank you and step past the threshold. A pleasing aroma fills the air, making my stomach grumble loudly.

Sharon laughs. "Well, you sound half starved! I just made cookies, so you're in luck. Have a seat and I'll bring you a plate."

I nod, and my mouth waters at the thought of the warm goodies. Good Lord, since when did I start having cravings?

Shaking my head, I grab a kitchen stool and sit down at her laptop. Thankfully, this one has a full battery and blinks to life as I press the power button. 

Sharon returns with a full plate of delicious smelling chocolate chip cookies, fresh out of the oven. I smile thankfully at her as I reach for one and eagerly take a bite. I moan and sit back. They're absolutely amazing, and I am not sure I can remember the last time I had cookies this good. Relishing the feeling of warm chocolate melting on my tongue, I sit up and go back to what I set out to do.

I can feel my heart pound as I stare at the blank screen, stalling so that I don't have to type. What if he's angry? What if he decides that this isn't the life he wants? A life with me? Suddenly the cookie I am eating loses it's appeal as my appetite disappears.

No. I tell myself and firmly shake my head to clear it. This internal battle that I am having ends now. No more doubt, Caela. Just do it.

Do it, do it, do it. These words pound through my head as I begin to type.


You're probably wondering why I am writing you an email instead of just calling. Well the truth is, I am not brave enough.

I went to see the doctor earlier today, and he gave me some rather shocking news. News that I definitely was not expecting...


I remove my shaking hands from the keyboard as the email comes to an end. I proofread it once, and decide that that's about as good as it's going to get. Before any of the trickling doubt can fully set in, I hastily press send. A massive gust of air bursts out from my lungs and I slouch, exhausted from all of the stress of today.

Sharon walks in. "Did you get everything you need, honey?"

I wearily lift my head and nod. "You've been very helpful today, Sharon. Thank you."

She looks at me for awhile before saying. "It must be hard being away from Dan so much. For both you and Mary. Poor things. I have an idea- how about you call her up and invite her over. We can have one night all to ourselves, just the three of us."

I perk up at this. "That sounds really nice. But, what about your husband?"

"Oh, John's away on some business excursion for the weekend. So we'll have the place all to ourselves."

I grin excitedly at the prospect. "Okay, let's do it."

Who knows, maybe a girl's night will help take my mind off of telling Dan for a little while. 

But even as I think this, I know there's no use in lying to myself. At this point, practically nothing could take my mind away from Dan and the small person growing inside of me.


Hello! I just want to say thanks so much to whoever's reading this and for all of the kind comments and votes. I know that this is a crap chapter, but I haven't had that much time, and I needed something to bridge the next one. So this is kind of just a filler thingy. And I apologize for it's shortness haha. Anywho, I promise to give a legit update soon, but it's pretty late and I need to sleep so yeah.

Once again thanks SO MUCH!

<3 You guys rock 


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