Chapter Twenty-Seven

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(A/N Soo, it's been awhile. I'm sorry about that. There's a few things I've been meaning to say for a while now so I would appreciate it if you could read through this first without just skipping to the actual chapter.

I've now finished my GCSE'S so I have a while off to write a lot now. That's good because I've missed this.

Anyway what I want to say concerns my character Noah. I've recently been through and read through all three of my HP books and while I'm extremely happy and proud of them, there are a few things I want to go through.

I have noticed a few comments concerning how it's too quick for Noah to fall in love with Robyn. First I would like to say I never mentioned Noah being in love with Robyn. Liking someone and loving someone is completely different.

Some people have also commented how Noah has fast gained feelings for Robyn but I don't think of it like that at all.

Now, I'm all for people developing a relationship slowly but I'm sure many of you can relate and at some point in your life you have met someone briefly and immediately felt something for them. That is what happened to Noah.

I created this story in my head and the whole plot line is in my head and so I can picture Noah and Robyn's messed up relationship clear as day. To me it makes sense. To me it's not rushed. I apologise if I have not written it too well. Like I have said many times, I struggle immensely to write original characters and so it was a big risk to add him but I feel like I have done good so far.

I'm writing this not to be bitchy but to explain. Everything is in my head, it's just harder to write it all out.

The last thing I will say is i hope you enjoy this chapter. You all deserve to after this long wait I have put you through. I love you all and thank you so SO much for the constant support. None of you know how much it means to me. Until next time...)


The Weasley's were sat around the fireplace at 12 Grimmauld Place, each holding a cup of hot chocolate in their hands. No one spoke. Silence engulfing them, the only sound being the ticking of the clock, taunting them at how slowly and loudly it was moving. They were all lost in thought, seconds away from breaking down into tears.

Mindlessly, Harry stared off at a wall, his fingers drawing circles on the mug in his hands, ignoring the scorching pain shooting through his hand at how hot the liquid was.

He was the reason his friends were sat here now suffering and waiting in agony to find out if their father was going to make it. It was all his fault. It always was. He always dragged people into his own business when he should just face it all on his own. It was all his always was. Always...

Halcyon ; Harry Potter [3] Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant