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Kanan had a vision of a dark figure and kinda knew what was it, an inquisitor. Hera was about to land when suddenly, there was a colorful explosion, which meant that or Sabine made something explode or they exploded. Luckily, she saw two familiar figures and a girl around Ezra's age trying to escape from the emperials guard. -" Specter 5 come in. Specter 6 can you hear me?-", Hera spoked through the comms. "-....we hear you loud and clear specter 2.-", answered Sabine. "-Okay, were going right there, hold on, ooh and Ezra, Kanan says that you must not be off guard!-". "- got it Hera."-, Ezra said.
***in the cockpit***
Ezra, Sabine and the girl were waiting to be 'rescued'.


'Not be offgaurd Ezra' what did Kanan mean. I never am off guard. Did he saw something o did he feel. If he's feeling something dangerous than I must feel too. But I can't concentrate by Ruby being with me again. Ruby is my partner and friend, sort if my excrush, since I was 8.

We met outside of a bar. I was passing by the bar when I got pushed by a big teenager with his gang. A girl stood infront of me and I couldn't believe what she was doing. She was defending me. It looks like it was her older brother, which it was, and helped me. Since then, we became good friends and life street partners. Her parent's were killed by some pirates 'accidental'. She was 7 when it happened. She and her brother lived on their own in the streets 'protecting'one another though her brother was always in his gang, while she and me were having fun with the bucketheads and causing trouble. I have been in gangs thanks to his brother but I got into lots of trouble and got kicked out. I have to admit, she is pretty and nearly forgot about her.

***back to normal***

The doors of the hallway closed and only one opened. There, stood a big black figure, and no it was not Vader. Ezra felt cold and  got a better view of it. The thing got out of his belt a lightsaber and activated it. Ezra got out his lightsaber and activated it and they started to battle. Ruby was surprised at what she was seeing. *Ezra is a Jedi?! But how?* she question herself. Sabine started to fire at the troopers that were coming. "-EZRA!!!-",Sabine shouted that Ezra was down and had no escape, if it wasn't for Kanan who force pushed the inquisitor he would be dead by now. "-kid, are you alright?-", kanan asked as he felt if his padawan was hurt or had any injuries. "-yes I'm ok master.-", Ezra said while he got up. "- we have to go, hurry up!-", Hera said through the comms. The inquisitor got up and used the force to slow the ghost down. He didn't know that Sabine used one of her 'miracles' on a pile if junk above him which exploded and all of that junk fell on top of him. All of them got out safe and sound.
"-so Ezzy, your a Jedi. But how?, asked Ruby. "-hey don't call me like that-", said Ezra almost chuckling, "-and yes I am a Jedi. It seems that I'm force  sensitive since I was born and at the age of 14, Kanan started to train me. Ooh and he's Jedi too.-" he said proudly and with a smile on his face who, supposibly, was only *reserved* for *Sabine*, at least her point of view. Ruby laughed and ezra was still smiling when then they hugged eachother, which made Sabine's stomach twirl and angry at the same time. Thank goodness she had her helmet on.'why do I feel like this?' thought Sabine while she was still watching the little scene.
"-ok, ok explain me now how do you eachother?-" asked Zeb with a glare of his. Both of them stopped hugging eachother and started to explain. "- well its a long story.-" Ezra said.
"-Ruby and I met a few years ago in lothal. Zack was almost going to kill me if it weren't for her.She is one of my best friends.-". As Ezra said this, Sabine got a bit irrataded when he said 'one of her best friends'.
"-who is Zack?-", asked Zeb.
"-Zack is my older brother. Ezra wasn't paying attention to where he was going and tripped with him. I was walking around, when I saw him. Zack was going to hit him and I couldn't stand there doing nothing, so I defended him. I have to admit though, he was kinda cute when he was afraid-" Ruby said as she leaned to Ezra's side flirtious way. Ezra only chuckled. Kanan got suspicios so he asked, "- uuh, is she.....uuh something close to you-". "-well..uuh no. We are just good friends. Exception from Moreena.-", Ezra said that last part murmering. 'Why is she smiling and flirting with him' thought Sabine. She had some deep feelings for the 'kid', though she didn't know or she just couldn't admit it. It was confusing, even for her.

A/N: okay so here's chapter 2. I have seen that I don't have any followers or anything. Please read and vote for this story 'cause I really like these kind of storys of sabezra. I make this story since I had this idea since a long time. I know maybe it's a bit late to keep writing this stuff, but I LOVE SWR AND THE SABEZRA SHIP.

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