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It was a normal day in the ghost, yeah normally they fight the empire, someone almost dies and gets safe when either ezra o kanan apears. But today was diferent. Hera walked to the
"living room" and told chopper to proyect an hologram. -"Everyone gather around, I have a new mission from comander sato"-, hera said.
Every one did as she said and listened very carefully."- ok then, now that everyone is here, the comander informed me that there has been an intruder in the imperial academy and then robbed some information. We don't know how she contacted us giving us this info-"
"-well then, I guess theres no rest for us-", Zeb groan. "-soooo, what are de going to do?-" Sabine asked. "-it looks like they discovered her and she is now in the academy prison-". 'Her' thought Ezra. "-so how is this person or who is she-", asked Ezra. "-We don't know yet who it is, but we know that is a 'she'. "-Yea commander sato indicated to sent our youngest ones to the mission to infiltrade the academy and get her out so that means that Ezra and Sabine will go in-"
While kanan and Hera explained the plan, Ezra was wondering who was this 'girl'. After the explanation, everyone was getting ready for the mission.

"-Ezra, Ezra, EZRA!!!-"
Ezra got startled by Sabine yelling at him."-Oh, I'm sorry Sabine, I got distracted-" Ezra apologized. Sabine got to worry a bit. "- hey,are you okay-" she asked. "-yea I'm ok-"."-If you say so-"
~•~•~•~•~~•time skip~•~•~•~•

Sabine and Ezra got in the academy with no struggles, good for now they guessed.They were assigned to different levels, which well be a bit dificult to find the intruder since they won't be together

Ezra's P. O. V.
I admit I am wondering about who this girl could be. I don't know who she could be, but somehow I have a good feeling. Sabine had been worrying about me and the first one to know actually. I appreciate the gesture though, but it's kinda akward. I gave up on her a year ago. It is still too difficult to forget her, since we live in the same ship so I get to see her everyday. She didn't reject me formally nor officially, but it still kinda hurts. I like her, but not as much as before, just as a friend or an older sister. I mean she's just so cool, so artitistc, just perfect, and I think I understand why I'm not the guy for her. That's how is going to be I guess, at least we are really good friends. But right now we need to focus on the mission, at least me.

Sabine's P.O.V
When Hera was explaining our task, I was suspicious that Ezra got curious when they mention 'her'. Then, he was distracted and, (have to admit it) was a bit caution about his behavior. But I can't pay attention to that now. We have a mission to complete and find this 'girl'. Although I have a bad feeling about this.

Ezra and Sabine used to have missions like these, infiltrating in the academys, but only alone, not together.
They were training under imperial supervision."-Cadets, in line-",said the commander. He took out a pad and read the names out loud.
"-Adam warn-"
"-Christopher le-"
"-Jay Morse-"
"-Henry Klein"
"-Maurice Gabster-"
That's when Ezra took a step forward and saluted.
"-So then Mr. Gabster, new huh? You will show us what you got in the training course and then you can go to rest.-"
"-Sir, yes sir-" answered Ezra before entering in action.
While with Sabine....
Sabine was with the rest of the cadets in their cabins. The only time when all the cadets get to reunite is in the resting time {don't know if they have that time just thought of it :-P} that can be a chance to start investigating.
~Resting time~
Every cadets went to their respective areas, according to their levels. But many cadets didn't really follow the rules, especially two which are Maurice and Sophie (Ezra's and Sabine's fake names). Sabine was already in the meeting place where supposably they would meet."-Your 5 minutes late specter 6-" said Sabine.
"- Sorry, a little problem with the training course-" answered Ezra
"-Well, doesn't matter we need to find the problem maker.-".
"-intruder, Sabine, intruder, and yes as soon as possible so we can get out of this place, it isn't nice-" Ezra smirked which Sabine came to an understanding thought
"- yea your right. Was it too difficult for you to handle?-"she teased."-jaja very funny, but nothing I can't handle-" he answered sarcastically. Sabine couldn't help but laugh a bit.
"- well let's go to what were here for, the imperials are now distracted by who know what, so we need to move quickly-". With that, both of them got to the prisoner cells. Ezra suddenly got a feeling, mixed with fear and sadness but not really importa. Then they heard a 'dumb' sound coming from one of the cells. Ezra quickly opened the door and got surprised of what he saw. A girl with long black hair, tan skin, big brown eyes and a purple pinkish jumpsuit, looks around 16-17 years old and with tools equipped in a little bag.
"-Impossible-", Ezra whispered amazed. "-EZRA!?!-" The girl said while she ran to him and hugged him tight. Sabine just looked at the little scene almost breathless about what she was seeing. 'who is this girl and why is she hugging Ezra' she thought angrily. They broke the hug and Ezra was the one who asked first,"-HOW, WHAT, WHY ARE YOU HERE !!?-". The girl answered, "- I was just hanging around like always, when then suddenly I went past an officer and robbed him a chip with some information contained in it and send it to a certain 'fulcrum' and poosh, the next thing I knew was that I got here inside this stinking cell.-" she said "-and if your wondering how I know fulcrum, let's say we had an unexpected encounter-". Ezra just chuckled. "-ok, ok you both know eachother, you'll have to explained this later-" Sabine said pointing at Ezra with her index finger "-...but we need to get out of here, NOW!-" They both nodded and followed Sabine through the halls being encountered with a group of stormtroopers.
Luckely, they got out of there safe and sound but, of course, something that Ezra couldn't find it dificult to figure out, there was a trap somehow. Someone knew that they would come. "-Hera we got the cargo we need to get out here NOW!!!-" Said Sabine "". "-ah, can you repeat that specter 2 we didn't get that real clear-", said ezra."-.................-"the comms were on static so they couldn't hear what the others could say. While they were running, the other cadets caught there attention and started to fire at them. Ezra, Sabine and the girl were running and fireing back to the imperials, of course, only Ezra and Sabine. They got to cockpit, where they would soppuse to meet the ghost .
******MEANWHILE IN THE GHOST************
Kanan and Zeb were fireing at the TIE fighters while Hera was trying to get a safe landing in the cockpit where the specters 5 and 6 and the girl are going to meet. Hera was trying to contact them but the comms got on static and not even chopper could go through it. Suddenly Kanan began to feel something.
"-specter 1, I need you right here now-". Kanan ran to where he was needed until he got to the ground almost in pain. He saw a dark figure and felt cold. He opened his eyes and saw that Hera had a worried face.
"-what did you see?-" she asked. "-We need to get to them fast before him-", said Kanan terrified at what he saw.


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