Chapter 23

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My head spun around with the rest of my body, I probably looked like a child being found coloring on the walls. 

“Are you two just going to stare or say something?” Asked the Lady in the doorway. 

I pushed Harry’s arm’s off of me and looked at him. 

He looked at me then smiled to himself and looked at the old hag in the door way. “This is my little cousin, Monica.” 

The look on the lady’s face was replaced with a confused one. She turned to me, and I smiled the same way Harry did. “It is true?” She asked me. 

“Yes,” I laid a hand on Harry’s shoulder, “We’ve been really close since we were little.” I smiled and awkwardly pushed Harry a tad. 

“Then why were you hugging?” She asked, and damn she wouldn’t not stop. 

“We studied for her test that was coming up, and she got an excellent grade on it.” Harry answered, she nodded. 

“Oh, on that note,” She laughed, “I thought you two were in a relationship because of the hugging! Silly me, I’m too old to know that.” 

Harry and I both laughed dryly. “Dating.” We scoffed and laughed. 

She closed the door and left Harry and I laughing our asses off. “I can’t believed that shit.” Harry leaned on the desk, holding his chest from laughing so hard. 

We were both nearly in tears by the scene. “But I want to ask you something.” He looked at me. 

I nodded for him to go on and he sat on the desk, look at me. “Want to celebrate this test grade tomorrow night?” 

My smile fell, not because of him asking me. “I would honestly really enjoy to go celebrate with you Harry,” My cheeks heated up, “But It would be so risky, What just happened could happen again and not everyone will believe that we are cousins.” 

“Love, I’m already way past that,” He smiled, his dimple poking through his cheek, “I know a great place about an hour east, no one will find us.” 


Mollie and I were nearly sprinting around trying to get me ready for the celebration with Harry. She did my hair while I did my face, we were both having random attacks of happiness so it was kind of slowing us down. 

A fabric hit my face and smeared my mascara, I scoffed at Mollie as she screamed at me. “Put that on! And fix you’re mascara!”

Since spring was closing in and it was oddly bright out, Mollie and I both felt that it was a good time to wear what I was wearing. Dark washed skinny jeans, a black tank, and a grey scarf. Comfy, but casual. 

I fixed my mascara and put in my small hoop earrings, and slid a couple rings on my fingers. 

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