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Melody Simmons' POV.

Hours passes and I was now at home getting dressed for this dinner. As I did my makeup, I couldn't help but think about how this would go. I wanted to be petty and throw shots at her, but I also wanted to keep this professional. Depending on how feisty  this woman wanted to get, she was going to see a side of me that wasn't always the best.

I pulled my dress over my head and fixed my corset around my waist. Sliding my feet into my golden heels, I secured the strap around my ankle and made my way to the restaurant. I was running 30 minutes late for the dinner and Chris was blowing my phone up, but I could care less. I would be there shortly, so he was just going to have some patience.

I walked into the restaurant and spotted Chris and the chop sticks at the table. Smirking, I made my way over there.

"So nice of you to join us 30 minutes later after the scheduled time." Chris smiled sarcastically as he pulled my chair.

"I don't need you help." I mumbled as I sat myself across from the girl.

Karrueche looked at me like I had three heads causing me to raise an eyebrow. Her face wore a look of confused and disgusted. She had less than split second before I reach across this table and gave her a new tattoo with the bottom of my heel.

"I have things to do Chris, why I am I here sitting across from this woman?" She questioned while rolling her eyes.

I smiled, "Yes, tell Karrot Kake why we are here tonight?"

Chris looked over at me, and his face was red. I could tell he was nervous, but this is something he should've been owned up to.

Kae, you know I love you with all my heart. I didn't want you to find out through the blogs, so I brought you here so I could explain this to you." He sighed looking at her, "This is my baby mommy. She's the mother of my 5 year old daughter."

Karrueches' face turn red like an apple. She looked embarrassed and humiliated. This wasn't a joking matter, but the bitch should've stopped playing with me.

"How long did you know?" She asked as cries streamed down her face messing up her mascara.

By the looks of this dinner, I'm guessing this wasn't the best place to say this and hopefully her dramatic ass could keep it low.

While they were talking, I ordered myself I bottle of champagne. I could care less about the conversation they was having. This was somewhat my business, but that was his part to explain to her.

"So a bitch comes into your life claiming you're the baby's father and you take it and run with it! Get a DNA test!" She damn near yelled.

"You want a test bitch! I'll give yo ass one." I spoke as I sipped my drink.

"Aye, calm down with the cuss words." He yelled at me, "And Kae, I'm not getting a DNA test. I know that's my daughter."

Raising my eyebrow, I glared at him before decided to let it roll off of my shoulder. If he knew what was best for him, he would get his pet in control.

"Nah, I'll give you one. You was the first and only person I've ever opened my legs to, so I have no problem giving you one." I sighed while glancing at Kae with a smile.

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