Bombs Away

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Bombs, bombs , and you guessed it more bombs.  Geez, does this guy have any other attacks besides bombs.  I kept flinging them right back at him before he could say, "Katsu!"

I was getting bored so I decides to freak everyone out.  I bit my thumb and di the necessary handsigns. 

"Summoning Jutsu!"  I slamed my hands to the ground and a LARGE cloud of smoke enveloped us all.  All of a sudden a deep roar filled the air.  The smoke cleared to see a huge black dragon with red eyes.  Ryuu.

I was standing on top of his head.  Kakashi, Naruto, and everyone else whose names I could not remember stared in awe and fear. 

"Are you crazy, Okami?!?!?!?!  Dragons can kill you!!!!"  Kakashi screamed to me.  I smirked.  Not this dragon and not anymore.

"Ryuu.  How about we teach this guy a lesson, hmmm?"

Ryuu rumbled out a laugh.  Oh yes, he was ready for a fight.  He unfurled his wings and launched himself into the air after the bomber.  It didn't take long before the blond was in a sticky situation.  His face looked grim as he began doing handsigns.

Shit!  He's gonna blow himself up.

"Ryuu!  Get to the ground and shield the others!"  I felt him nod slightly as he tucked his wings in and dove for the ground.  I jumped off and Ryuu lifted his wings to protect us.  The blast wouldn't affect him.

Once the blast was done Ryuu tucked his wings back to his body.  I noticed people started to gather around a body.  I looked down to see Shukaku's host but.... Shukaku was gone and his host dead.

A sudden rage filled me.  Who would DARE hurt my son and his host?!?!?!  Apparently I said this outloud because Naruto suddenly spat out, "The Akatsuki.  They are gathering up the tailed-beasts.  No one knows why though."

I growled, furious.  Fools!  I knew exactly why they were doing it!  The stupid idiots thought that if they had all the tailed beast, then they could create a ten-tailed beast.  They're wrong!  Combining my children anywhere outside my body would destroy them and the host they tried to bind with.  It has been attempted, I know how this goes.  Only I can host all nine of my children for they were once a part of my soul.

An old lady sat down beside Shukaku's former host.  She did a jutsu and her hands began to glow.  She was giving him her chakra!  Apparently she didn't have enough to revive him so Naruto leant her his chakra.

Soon Gaara's eyes fluttered open as the old lady's fluttered closed.  A life for a life.  Naruto and Gaara had their reunion and Gaara asked his people to have a moment of silence for "Granny Chiyo".  I looked to the sky and thought, "Take care of her brother.  She's a good one."

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