Chap 11

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Paul lahotes pov.

It's been a full week since she left. I know I didn't talk to her much but... I miss her. And for some strange reason the bond is getting stronger. The bond shouldn't be here though, I rejected her.

When Liam and Stacy got back I basically ordered them to tell me what happened. And all I know is that she has a new guy.

Right now I was sat in my room listening to the birds and the wind. I blocked everything out and just listened to nature.

"She's in Texas" I heard a women's voice say. I snapped out of my trance and growled at the door. I saw Stacy there. She was leaning against the door frame with

"What?" I asked confused.

"Lexi. She's in Texas." she said as she walked away. Just as I was about to go after her she popped her head back round the door frame.

"Oh and one more thing. Make the right choice when you get there. Bring her back." she paused "Also there is 3 other vampires there with her" she said and walked away, I heard the pitta patter of her feet running down the stairs.

In about 2 minutes I was in the woods in my wolf form running as fast as I could to Texas.

4 hours later and I could faintly smell her. Lexi. But also another person. No scratch that. I smell Lexi and a leech. I growled and followed her smell. It was getting stronger.

"Will stop it" I heard her sweet voice, she was giggling.

" I don't know what your talking about" this will guy laughed.

I could see them in a meadow kind of thing, A pond behind them and them in the middle, laying on the floor with that will guy over her, tickling her. I was standing in my wolf form just at the edge of the meadow. I stopped still. Oh. She moved on. In the space of about a week an half. I saw him go down to kiss her but she turned her head laughing. She stopped dead when she saw me. She pushed the guy off her and stood up, staring at me.

"Lex?" the guy said as he got up and stood infront of her.

"Paul?" Lexi ignored him and slowly walked over to me. I nodded and walked to her.

I heard a deep growl.

"Shift!" The guy growled at me. I growled back at him.

"Paul please shift?" I heard her sweet voice. I looked at her then ran behind the trees. I shifted, put some jogging bottoms on then ran out to Lexi and that Will guy.

"Lexi... Please hear me out" I begged and grabbed her hands in mine, completely ignoring the leech. I heard him growl but I still held on to her hands.

" You have 5 minutes" she said pulling her hands away, she then looked towards The Leech.

" William I want you to go home." she paused as he looked hurt " I'll be safe. He can't hurt me, And he won't hurt me" she said as she stared at me.

" Come home safe my love" The leech said as he kissed her forehead then ran of at vamp speed.

Lexi took a deep breath then turned towards me.

"Why are you here? You rejected me" she stated looking me in the eyes.

"I want you back Lexi. I miss you. And I know I shouldn't because I rejected you and everything, but the bond is getting stronger and my love for you is getting more stronger" my voice kept cracking.

"What about that Rebecca girl?" she asked, jealousy coated in her voice.

"I haven't even thought about her since the night I rejected you!" I grabbed my hair.

There was a long silence between us. It felt like years until I heard her sweet voice.

"What now?" she asked staring me in the eyes.

What does she mean? what now? Well i will take her back to La Push and live happily ever after with her.

"I take you back to La Push. We live happily. Everyone is happy" I said walking forward to her. She stepped back putting her hands up to stop me coming near her.

"No Paul. It's not as easy. You hurt me Paul. You rejected me. You rejected my love." Her eyes was brimming with tears.

"I love you Lexi" I yelled cupping her delicate face in my hands.

"So What?" her voice cracked.

That hurt. A lot. Enough to make tears fall down my cheeks.

"Lexi please. Give us a chance. Please?" I literally begged.

"I'm so sorry Paul. But I have a life here. People to look after me. Train me. Help me through heart break." she cried. Her soft hands holding mine and pulling them off her cheeks. I shook my head rapidly. I bet I looked so vulnerable right now. But I don't care, I would do anything for this girl.

"Lexi please..." I whispered, clutching her hands.

"I'm sorry Paul" she whispered back and reached up and kissed my lips. I grabbed her waist and held her closer. But all to soon she pulled away. She turned on her heals and shifted then ran.

She left me there. Not smiling. But crying. Not waving. But drowning. Drowning in all my tears and heart break.

So sorry for the long update.

Paul Lahote Rejected Me.  (Imprint story)Where stories live. Discover now