chapter 7

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Lexi merez's pov

I walk into the living room and saw that there was pictures of these vampires. One of them was really attractive. He had brown messy hair, red eyes, tall, he had his top of in the picture.

"who is that?" i asked charlotte and peter.

"ah. That would be william. Propper looker aint he" Peter said nugding my side.

"William" I whispered out loud.

"You gotta thing for him ay?" charlotte laughed.

"No. I just think he is good looking." i blushed.

I walked and sat on the amazingly soft couch. Peter and charlotte came and sat next to me.

"Right. So william will be comin either today or tomorrow for the visit we have every month." charlotte said nudging me.

"really? will he be ok with a wolf staying here?" i asked.

"Yeah. He loves to learn about new things. Also he is looking for a lover" Peter said nudging me. OMG. What is with the nudging.

"Is there any where i could go for a run?" i asked.

"Ya the forest all around us. Theres a lake a mile away from this house. Its nice and peacful" charlotte said.

I smiled and nodded. I got up from the couch and told peter and char I was going there.

I ran in wolf form all the way to the lake. It was beautiful.

'Not as beautiful as paul' my wolf told me.

' shut up. We shouldn't care about him. He rejected us.' I said back to her.

'I know' she said quietly back.

I laid down on my stomach and closed my eyes as I listened to the birds, wind, heart beats from animals, inhumanly fast footprints, trees rust- wait. Inhumanly fast footprints. Suddenly my wolf was on high alert.

I growled in warning.

The footsteps were getting closer.

Suddenly there was a beautiful man standing in front of me. He looked about 22. He cocked his head to the side. He looked like he was examining me.

I whined which caught his attention. He stretch out his hand cautiously and touched my head with his freezing cold hand.

He scratched behind my ear and I found it incredibly comforting.

"Do you like that?" he asked in a beautiful voice. I nodded my big wolf head.

"You are a beautiful wolf" He whispered to himself but I managed to hear him with my wolf hearing.

"You smell like someone" he whispered again.

I cocked my head to the right.

"You smell like a vampire" He said while he scratched my neck. "You smell like peter and charlotte my friends" He explained. Oh so this must be William.

"Can you go change into your human form?" He asked as he stopped stroking me.

I nodded my big wolf head and walked behind a big bush.

I changed back and sat there. There is a slight problem. I have no cloths.

"Excuse me sir. Umm I have no clothes" I shouted as I stuck my head round the side of the bush. I saw him look at my face and a look unknown to me was in his eyes.

"Oh here" He said as he took of his shirt and walked to the opposite side of the bush. He gave it to me and walked away.

I slipped it on and slowly walked out. I saw him sitting next to the lake. He was beautiful. I went and sat next to him.

"So I'm William Lucke Johnson" He said as he stuck out his big pale hand.

"I'm Alexis Sophia Merez" I said shaking his large pale hand.

"Nice to meet you Alexis. Call me Will. William is to long" He said.

"Nice to meet you too Will. Call me Lexi. Every one does" I said think of my brother and sister. I miss them.

"Lexi" He whispered. It gave me shivers when he said my name.

"Shouldn't you be running away from me?" I asked.

"Shouldn't you be running away from me? Seeing as I am a vampire and your a wolf" He retorted.

"True. So are you the William that know Peter and Charlotte?" I asked and he nodded.

"Yeah how do you know them. Have they offered to look after you?" he asked. I nodded.

"Well then maybe we should head back. You know. Let them know that I'm here and you've not got lost or anything" He said standing up. I stood up also.

"Hop on" He said crouching a little.

"What?" I asked.

"Come on. I'll give you a ride there" he said still crouching. I sighed and jumped on. He then sped of to Peter and charlotte's house.

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