chapter 6

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Lexi Merez's pov.

"Hello there" The Vampire said in a musical voice.

My ears perked up at the sound of his voice.

"Can you change back inta yer human form? I'm not gonna hurt ya. I'm friends with the cullens. My mate should be here in a minute or so." He said. He had a southern drawl. Suddenly a petite girl with short chopped brown hair and red eyes stood next to the man.

"Who is this Peter? Is this another wolf from la push? She's beautiful" the girl said as she reached to stroke my head. I coward back, scared.

"I'm not going ta hurt ya. Why don't ya go and shift back behind that tree" she pointed towards a tree. I slowly picked up bag and trotted behind the tree and shifted then got dressed. Should I go back? What if they kill me? I could run! But there a lot faster then me! Deep breaths. I could fight them! But their more experienced then me. I'll just go out to them and talk. They say there friends of the cullens.

Ok! I stood up and walked to where they were.

"There ya are. I thought ya made a runner!" The man laughed.

"I considered it" I said softly. I don't know why but when I'm around them they make me feel calm.

"Well I'm Charlotte, But family call me Char. And this is my mate Peter" Charlotte, the girl said.

She considers me family.

A huge smile beamed on my face.

"I'm Alexis Merez, But people call me Lexi" I said smiling happily.

"Ok so now we have this introduction over, why don't you tell us why ya all on ya lonesome" Peter said.

I looked down. On the verge of tears.

"He rejected me" I whispered.

"Who did Hunny?" Charlotte asked

"My mate. Paul Lahote" I cried. Suddenly I was in cold arms.

"Shhhh. Hunny You'll be ok. Come on sweety ya can come and live with us" Char said as she rocked me back and forth.

She wants me to live with them? Wow.

I thought I was going to have to go rouge.

I've heard from my dad that going rouge could kill you.

I nodded.

"I would like that. But you don't even know me" I said.

"Don't worry shorty we make friends with strangers all the time!" Peter laughed.

"Don't worry. Ya could be like our little sister" Charlotte said while pulling me up with her.

"But I'm a wearwolf. Aren't we suppose to be natural enemies?"I said confused that there taking me in.

"Yeah well our world has changed a lot since the 1800's shorty." Peter said pulling his mate into his side.

"Thank you" I said smiling happily.

"Does this mean yer comin with us" Charlotte asked.

"Yes" I nodded happily.

"Yay. Come on we need ta get back ta Montana. Then we can go shoppin all day tomorow" Charlotte said happily, clapping her hands.

"Montana?" I worried.

"Yes. We have lived there since we were changed. Its amazin. Y'all love it." She exclaimed.

I'm gonna be leaving my family behind me.

"Ok lets go" I said then changed into my wolf form.

"Can I ride on ya back Lexi?" Charlotte asked.

I nodded my wolf head and crouched down letting her on. She got on and then Peter started leading the way. I ran after him with my back pack in my mouth.

4 hours later.

Lexi Merez's pov

We have been running for 4 hours and my legs were aching. I was exhausted.

"Were nearly there now shorty, don't worry yer ass off" Peter laughed.

I growled.

"Keep yer fur on shorty" He laughed again as he came to a stop infront of me. I ran into his back causing me, charlotte and Peter to all fall to the ground. Charlotte squeaked, I whimpered and Peter growled.

Charlotte got up, Then helped me up, Then helped Peter up.

"Go and change inta yer human form. Then ya can see yer new home" Peter said as he patted my head. I nodded my head and trotted with my bag in my mouth behind a tree.

I shifted, Got changed, The walked out with my bag in my hands.

"So weres the house?" I said as I walked next to charlotte.

"We just have ta walk for another 5 minutes then y'all see it." charlotte said as she linked her cold arm through my warm arm. We walked for 5 minutes making small talk until Peter stopped. This time I didn't walk into him.

"Here we are shorty." He said as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder. I looked at the cosy cabin like house. It was amazing.

It was abit like the cullens but smaller. I smiled brightly.

"Its amazing." I smiled.

"Glad ya think so because yer gonna be here awhile" Charlotte laughed. I laughed with her as Peter took my bag and started walking towards the house.

"Well are ya both comin or what" Peter laughed as he opened the front door.

Charlotte dashed of and I slowly walked in after them while taking in my surroundings. There was a forest all around the house, so I'll be able to go for runs.

"Com'on shorty" Peter said as he stuck his head through the open window.

"Coming" I said as I walked through the front door and then followed their scent into a living room.

Paul Lahote Rejected Me.  (Imprint story)Where stories live. Discover now