chapter 8

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Lexi Merez's pov

Once we got to the house William let me of and we walked into the house.

"William" I heard Peter shout as we walked into the living room.

"ah. So I see you have met our lovely Lexi." Peter said as he got up to greet William.

"Indeed I have Peter." William Paused. "She's a proper looker." William finished.

I blushed and looked down.

"Aww look she's blushing!" Char said while laughing.

"Aw. Lexi is blushing." Peter said in a high pitch girly voice. I giggled at that. I sat down on the couch and William sat next to me. He slung his arm over my shoulder and pulled me into him. I just sat there awkwardly with my hands on his chest. Peter and char came and sat on the opposite couch from us. They were snuggled up like me and William. The only difference was that Peter and char actually loved being together. Where as I have just met William and I feel awkward sitting like this.

"So Lexi do ya want to come with me ta make ya some food in the kitchen?" char asked getting up. I nodded and un wrapped Williams arm from around my shoulder and ran of to the kitchen after char.

Once in there char was facing me with her back leant against the side. She had a massive grin on her face and she had her arms crossed over her chest.

"You like him" she said simply.

"What? Who?" I asked acting dumb. 

"William. I see the way he looks at you and you look at him." She said walking over to me.

"He's all right I mean I just met him" i whispered.

"Aww. Its OK I know what you've been through but William is the nicest person ever you will be happy with him.  I can tell" She said huggin me then going back into, the living room.  I stayed in the kitchen to think about what she said.....

sorry took so long updating I have had lots of gcse homework to do.. ...

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