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I was exhausted. 11 pm and still in the studio. I had finished my homework, but I was busy putting together pieces for Cameron. Refusing to leave till I was finished. I laid my head down for a second, and heard the door open. I sat up immediately and saw jack walking in on crutches.

"Jack.." I started, standing and walking to him. He had a bag of food in his hand.

"I got worried when I didn't get a text back.." he said. I smiled, shaking my head and taking the bag from him.

"My phone died.. jack you can't drive or go up steps.. what are you doing here?" I asked.

"I Ubered.. and shush" he said. I took a seat out for him and packed up.

"Come on. I'll help you down the stairs we can go to my place" I said. He huffed and I helped him down the steps and into my car. I put everything in the trunk and began driving home.

"You look tired." He said. I nodded.

"I am.. it's been school, school school.. if not then I'm planning outfits or designing gowns" I said.

"Maybe you need a few days off" he said. I shook my head.

"I'll be okay" I said. He shrugged and we made small talk the entire way to my place. Once we got in, I looked around. Sofia left a note, she was staying at Brandon's. I put the food jack brought to heat up and quickly changed. I walked over to the kitchen and handed jack his food.

"No I ate. That's yours" he said.

"Thank youuuu" I said. I walked around the counter, giving him a quick kiss before grabbing the plate.

"Come on" I said. He followed me to my room and sat on my bed. I helped elevate his leg and turned my tv on. I put on some random movie and sat next to him, starting to eat.

"So how's school?" He asked. I shrugged and filled him in.

"I'm just over it." I said. He nodded slowly.

"Why don't you take time off to focus on this.." he said. I shrugged.

"Maybe.. I just didn't expect for my career to take off." I said.

"You don't always need a degree." He said. I nodded and put my hair up.

"So I still wanna make the date up to you" he said. I shook my head

"You really don't need to.. first dates are full of pressure and shit" I said.

"Okayyy but you deserve to be taken on a date.." he said. I shook my head again.

"This can literally be our first date. You know I'm not high maintenance " I said. He rolled his eyes.

"Yeah noooo." He said. I pouted, looking at the screen. He groaned.

"Stoppp I'll give in" he said. I laid my head on his shoulder and sighed.

"Just one date. Then we can be low maintenance after.. okay I don't believe that but come on.." he said.

"Fine I guess" I said. I looked up at him, and he smiled. Kissing my head and watching the movie.

I pulled up at jacks and beeped the horn. It's been like two weeks and we're finally going on this date. He told me to dress casually thankfully. He came out on his crutches and I helped him into the car. Taking my phone he typed the address in and I began driving.

"So what are we doing?" I asked. He zipped his lips. I sighed and after an hour of driving we pulled up to the beach. I helped him over to an area where there was a dinner set up on a blanket. Rose petals everywhere and candles. I looked over at him, honestly shocked.

"Howwwww" I said. He winked, and I helped him sit.

"I really hate this cast." He said. I sat next to him.

"You'll be okay" I said. He shook his head and we began eating. Small talk, but there was nothing to learn about each other since we knew each other so well. Memories of the past came up.

"Stop you guys made me cry!" I said laughing. He smiled.

"It was honestly an accident. " he said. My laughter slowly died down, and I tilted my head looking at him. He was perfect. Toned body, with a few tattoos popping up. His jaw.. his lashes which I continued to play with. His hair. His smile which I was utterly obsessed over. Him in general.

"Isn't it a good feeling.. we don't need to do that small talk thing because we know each other already.." he said. I nodded.

"It's crazy.." I said. He smiled.

"I just think it'll be easier." He said.

"We don't need to get to know each other.. we just need to adjust how we talk.. because it's like we're best friends.. and then some... im dating my best friend" he said smiling. A smile slowly crept onto my lips.

"What took you so long?" I asked.

"I was just scared. Through high school we were soooo young you know. Didn't wanna ruin it. Plus you were with that guy Kayden. You were happy. I didn't wanna ruin it. Then I got with Madison and it's just fuzzy from there. But then I saw you.. and it was like everything I felt for you flooded back.." he said.

"Did you love her.. Madison I mean" I said. My heart pounded as he took a second.

"Honestly yeah. But Madison was that relationship that I learned about myself, and who I was in a relationship. She taught me a lot.. but I hurt her and I feel super bad. But from being a dick to her I learned how to change, and hopefully be the person you deserve.. because Lina you deserve the world.. and then some. I won't stop till I make you completely and utterly happy.." he said. My jaw dropped.

"You won't..?" I asked. He shook his head.

"What I feel for you is real.. and I really want this to work. Just know you got me. I'm yours" he said winking.

"Jack stoppp you'll make me cryyyyy." I said sitting on his lap. I softly touched his face.

"How did I get so lucky.." I whispered

"I'm the lucky one.." he said, softly kissing me.

My actual heaaaaarttttt. Okay I've decided there definitely is gonna be a part 2 to this story. Y'all ain't even ready! Remember to vote and comment! ❤️ y'all.

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