Chapter 15

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Harry's P.O.V.

Jumper's whole body is shaking on top of me, as I rub her back and let her get it out. I know for a fact it's because of what he's done to her, and I can't help the hate that continues to build for this bastard that has hurt her so much.

I'm going to kill him, I'm literally going to take the life away from him. I don't want him to live on the same earth she does, breath the same air, I don't want that. I can't have her worked up like this, scared, hurt. I can't take away her hurt but hopefully I can take away her fear. I need to do the best I can for her.

Her sobs soon fade away, and she's doing nothing but merely sniffling. She wipes the corner of her eyes, before sitting up, straddling my stomach.

"Are you okay?" I ask concerned. She nods her head as she purses her lips to keep from crying again. I reach out for her hand, but she doesn't notice as she climbs off of me and walks to the bathroom. I run my hands over my face and through my hair as I sit up and rest my elbows on my knees, face in hands. I don't know what to do. I don't know how to make her feel better, nor do I know how to comfort her properly.

I let out a sigh, while clasping the familiar cold metal of my necklace, in my fist.

I miss her.

Every damn day, I think of her. How she would smile at the sight of me, laugh at my lame jokes, eyes sparkle whenever proud, and how she would just love me unconditionally.

She never asked for anything, unless it was for me to accompany her somewhere. Like to the movies.

It was my fault.

It's my fault she's dead, and I can't let anything happen to Jumper. I wouldn't be able to live with myself. I don't know if I'll ever care for Jumper the way I care for Darcy, but what I do know is that I care for Jumper, and I'm not letting her get away.

The creaking of a door, makes me snap my head up, seeing Jumper walking back into the living room.

I want to hold her again. Tell her it's going to be okay while rocking her back and forth like holding a child. The only problem is, it will never help mentally. No matter what I do, how hard I try, her memories will always remain engraved in her brain.

"Harry?" She whispers as she rubs her nose on her sleeve.

"Hmm?" I ask as I continue to look at her; her looking down at the floor.

"Why are you protecting me? Doing this all for me? I want an answer Harry, I need to know," she pleas in a small voice. I let out a deep breath as I think of what to tell her.

I can't lie to her, I have to tell her the truth.

"Come here," I say as I hold out my hand. She holds out hers as well, and I take it in mine, pulling her body towards me. I move over, and pat the space next to me, motioning for her to sit down.

When she's seated and comfortable, I pull the airplane, that managed to get underneath my shirt as always, out. I hold the pendant with one hand, letting her admire it with it still draped around my neck.

"Well," I say as I clear my throat. "Liam, the guy we had lunch with today, used to have a sister. She looked exactly like him, only had light red hair and was a girl." I stop to take a breath, and hold the necklace tighter in my hand. "Her name was Darcy, and I loved her." I can't believe I'm telling her this. I never speak about Darcy to anyone except my father when he talks of a lead. Somehow Jumper managed to get inside that place in my life, where I feel as if I can trust her. It may be too soon, but I can trust her. After all, I owe her this especially after all she's told me.

"I really loved her," I say with a smile, before letting go of the pendant and having it bounce off my chest, as I run my hands over my face. "She meant everything to me." I sit up and lean my body back into the sofa, head resting on the back as I continue.

"I wanted to marry her, have a life with her, but because of one stupid decision, I don't even have her," I have to stop talking for a few seconds, as I regain myself. I can't break down, especially not in front of her.

"I gave her the necklace, as an anniversary present," I continue as I tap my fingers against my knee, an attempt to calm my nerves. "She never took it off," I laugh as I hold it once more. "Not for one second. I swear she almost loved it more then she loved me." Jumper reaches out her hand, and takes mine, helping me a bit as I continue.

"One night she wanted to see a movie. I told her no and to call her friend. So she did," I bite my cheek as I think of her body, blood seeping from her head. "She never made it to the movie," I choke as I hold it in. "She was killed by a gang. I always warned her to never go down alleys, but nothing was stopping her from seeing it. If only I was there. I could've saved her," I snap. "But no, I was at home. They're were three guys. The one his body was found, but two are still out there. The cops don't even give a shit about this case anymore, and it pisses me off.

"I remember seeing her body lying on the stretcher. I can't get the image out of my head. I took the necklace off of her body before they took her away. It's the only thing I have left of her." I look over at Jumper, and see tears in her blue eyes.

"I won't go through that again. It changed my life. I don't want men to treat woman like filth, like a toy. I don't want anyone to go through that, and now knowing your story, I don't want anyone to go through that either. If I can prevent it, I will. I know I can't protect everyone, but I won't let you get hurt again. I can't bare to have that happen. I can't lose you too, Jumper. I couldn't handle it." Her lip trembles, as she opens her mouth to reply.

"I would've loved to meet her, I'm sorry, Harry. I'm so sorry." The tears escape her eyes as she squeezes my hand.

"You would've loved her." They would've gotten along great. I can see them being all annoying together, making me smile.

"Thank you," she whispers.

"For what?" I ask.

"For telling me." I swallow and look down, thinking of a reply.

"I thought you deserved to know."

"You are a good man, Harry. A very good man. If only more of the world were like you."

I don't know how to reply. I can't reply, so instead I just sit there, staring down at our hands held together.

I watch in the corner of my eye, Jumper move closer to me. I don't pull away, nor do I look at her. That is until I feel her warm fingers being placed on my chin, tilting it up to make our eyes meet.

I search her blue eyes, finding sadness and hope crossed in between her iris and pupil. Trailing my eyes down to her lips, I wet mine with my tongue, as for the first time I wonder what it'd be like to kiss her.

"Promise me something," she mutters.

"What's that?" I whisper.

"Never push me away."

"I won't," I promise, knowing that I could never do that. It would be her to most likely push me away.

"Good," she replies softly, before inching her face closer to mine. I can hear her breathing become louder as she continues to come closer. "I think I love you," is all I hear, before her warm lips are placed upon mine.

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