Chapter 8

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It was a quiet ride, as we drove back to Mike's place. The only sound ringing through my car, was Jumper's soft snores escaping her lips. It was a pleasant sound, and almost made me tired too.

I turn down what I think is East Drive, when it turns out to be some one way street. "Great, just great," I mutter as I try to turn around in someone's driveway. It turns out to be an epic fail, and I accidentally run over a garbage can. "Shit," I curse as I look in the review mirror and see garbage cluttered all over the asphalt.

I manage this time to successfully turn around, and pull out onto the road. It has now been almost an hour since I've been driving around, and I'm getting highly annoyed.

I reach my hand over and place it on Jumper's arm. I shake her lightly as I try to wake her up, without removing my eyes from the road. "Mmm," she mumbles as she re-positions her head.

"Jumper, wake up," I say as I shake her harder. Since I am annoyed, I don't feel too bad about waking her up.

"Just five more minutes, Mike," she mumbles.

"I'm Harry, not Mike." She turns her head to look at me, so her blue eyes meet mine.

"I'm sorry," she whispers.

"Don't apologize, now I woke you up, because I'm lost." I've only been on East Drive twice, and both in the daytime, but I got there fine today, I don't know why I can't find it now.

"Where are we?" She asks. You got to be kidding me.

"I don't know, I'm lost remember?" I am even getting annoyed at her, and my throat is beginning to scratch, not helping the situation.

"Wait," she says as she sits up. "There's a road up here, slow down so I can read the sign." I do as she says, and see it reads East Drive.

"You're joking?" I sigh as I let out a deep breath. "I could've sworn I drove by this road twice."

"Well, it is getting dark out, and that makes it harder to see." I know she's only trying to make light of the situation, but considering I've been driving around for an hour, finding the road doesn't help all that much. "How long have you been driving around?"

"About an hour."


"Yeah," I say as I turn on my turning signal and pull down the road.


When we get to Mike's house, I pull into his driveway, up to his garage door.

"It doesn't look like he's home," Jumper says as I put the car in park.

"Good, so we don't have to see the little bitch."

"Harry," she scolds, but I ignore her. She reaches for the car door, but hesitates. "Umm, I don't have a key."

I give her a side smile, "No problem." I get out of the car, with her following.

"What are you looking for?" She asks as I search around the driveway.

"This," I say as I pick up a medium sized rock, and make my way over to the side door, with a very questionable Jumper on my heels. "Trust me?" I say as I look into her eyes. She nods her head, and I roll the stone in my hand. "Does he have a house alarm?"

"No, he's too cheap." I laugh at her choice of words.

"Good," I say as i throw the rock through the door, near the bolt. She moves back a bit, and looks around to see if anyone heard us. "No one heard that," I assure her as I gently and slowly put my hand through the hole, and unbolt the door.

"Why didn't you just use your elbow?" She asks as we walk inside.

"I didn't want to take a chance of getting cut, nor do I want glass shards on my clothes."

"Oh, well I'm going to pack, I won't be longer than five minutes," she says as she runs upstairs.

"I'm going to get the car ready incase we need to make a quick break!" I yell up to her. I walk over to the door, but decide to look through his fridge and see if he has any bottled water he can spare. I open it up, and to my luck, the whole bottom shelf is stashed with water. I grab out two bottles, one for Jumper and me, and walk outside to the car.

As I'm sitting, sipping my water and waiting for Jumper, I have to admit I'm getting nervous. I twist the cap back on, and pull the car closer to the door, and put it in reverse.

I look at my watch and see she's been packing for seven minutes now. I run my hand over my face, and take a deep breath. My breath hitches in my throat, as I see lights come up the road. I immediately think it's Mike, so I beep the horn hoping she hears.

Not two seconds later, I see her running out, with an overnight back in one hand, and her phone in the other. I almost would've laughed at her as she struggled with the door, but since the lights down the road are getting closer, I just want to get out of here.

I don't even wait for her to shut the door, before pulling out. I speed down the road and look into the review mirror, to only have it be a car, and pass Mike's driveway. I let out a deep breath, and slow down, incase a cop is near bye.

"Did you beep?" She asks as she buckles her seat belt and throws her bag in the backseat.

"Yeah, I didn't know if that was Mike or not. Plus it made you come outside faster," I say with a smile.

"Jerk," she mutters as she turns on her phone, but something in her voice tells me she didn't mean what she said.

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