Chapter 13

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Harry's P.O.V.

Jumper hasn't said anything to me, since we had our small argument. Mike's still on my mind about what he does, but I want to be on good terms with her.

The hell with it, I'm finding out what he does.

I walk out to the living room, and plop down on the couch beside her. Her body moves a bit as I adjust myself. "Jumper, what exactly do you help Mike with?" I ask quietly.

Her lip begins to quiver, and I want to almost take the question back, but I need to know. I need to know what the bastard has done to her, so I can comfort her better. Protect her better.

"I don't want to talk about this," she replies in a small voice.

"I know you don't and I don't want to put you through the memories of what he's done, but I can't help feel uneasy about this. Please trust me." I practically beg her, as I stare into her blue eyes.

She's broken; broken, hurt, and lost. I just want to take her pain away, but it doesn't work like that. If I don't open up to her, I know she won't open up to me.

"Please, Jumper." Her eyes gloss over, before the tears stream down her cheeks. She tries to wipe them away. only causing more to fall.

"We," she sniffles, "U-um, well I am t-the job." Her eyes cloud even more so, as her cheeks soak up the salty tears.

I can feel the anger I felt when Mike cam here, come back. She was the job. The job.

I can't help but feel sick. Sick and like I failed to protect her, even though that was before I met her, before I had the chance to be there for her.

"I remember the first time," she continues after a pause.

"Y-you," I begin as I swallow, "Don't have to do this, I know it's hard."

"I want to," she replies quickly, wiping her cheeks yet again. "I never talk about it, and maybe it'll help." I nod my head for her to continue, but afraid of what I'm going to hear.

"He used to be sweet as I said. He was a smooth talker," she lets out a dry laugh, adjusting her head on the back of the sofa. "But it was all for this," she says motioning to her body.

"One day he told me he was going to take me to an auction, I was excited honestly. I thought it was just going to be an auction where you hold up cards saying you place your bid. Was I stupid?" She sniffles again as she wipes her nose.

"You weren't stupid, you didn't know." I say as I try to comfort her, even though I know I'm failing at it.

"No, I was, I feel like I let him do this," she cries.

"Don't blame yourself for this," I say getting upset, not at her but at the situation. At that bastard that ruined her. Messed up her life, corrupted her virtue.

I'm going to kill him.

"How can I not?" She wails as her face beams red, water flowing from her eyes. "I went to that stupid auction, and he told me to change as he handed me a white plastic bag with an outfit inside. I protested saying I liked what I was wearing, but he began to get short with me, something I never seen him do." She pauses as she catches her breath, before continuing her traumatic experience.

"I complied, not w-wanting to make him any angrier. I f-feel like I just gave in though," she holds her knees up to her chest, wiping her eyes on the caps of them. "I opened the bag in the ladies restroom, seeing a white lace lingerie inside. I pulled it out, and knew there was barely enough material to cover my body. I began to shake. I-I knew then what the auction was about." She holds in a deep breath, the only sound in the room was my breathing.

I wish I was there, I wish I could've stopped what happened to her. I wish I could've protected her, been there, been there so she could've still had herself, and not lost it to some rich fuckers wanting nothing but sex from her.

"I wanted to escape," she continues as she looks away from me. She's ashamed of herself, ashamed because of something she didn't even have control over.

"I didn't know what to do. I couldn't run, b-because there was no window in the restroom. I had no other choice, y-yet it felt like I could've stopped everything. Instead I put on the langerie and slipped my coat overtop."

The more she tells me, the more my blood boils inside my body. I'm almost afraid it'll cook my insides at the temperature it's risen over the past few minutes.

"I walk out the door. Fear paralyzing me. Right when he seen me, h-he gave me a smile," she says in disgust. "Almost like it was just another day, almost like he didn't care."

I want to tell her to stop, that she doesn't have to go on, but I know she'll protest. I just don't know if I can handle hearing any more of the truth.

"He took my hand, walking me through halls, and doors. H-he didn't even flinch once when he handed me over to some guy wearing too much cologne, and w-way too many rings on his fingers." She chokes on her words, and I can't handle anymore.

I pull her into my chest, rubbing circles in her back as I kiss her head gently, telling her its going to be okay. I don't want to hear anymore. I've learned to care so much for the girl in my arms, and I know if I hear ever so much as a bit more, I could crack.

"H-he then took me in a dark room," she sniffles and coughs. "I was set in the middle of it. The only light, shining on me as if I was i-in the spotlight." I can't imagine what she felt, how scared she was, the thoughts running through her head. I squeeze her body tighter to mine.

I will never ever let him ever so much as look at her again. And if he does, he'll never be able to see ever again.

"A small beep went off, and I heard numbers going off around me. I-I was frightened, I wanted to die instead of h-have one of those men buy me." She unwraps her arms from her knees, and pulls them around my waist, burying her head in my shirt.

"I was sold at £300,000; to some rich f-filth. H-he bought me for three days. Th-that's how it worked. Three days of men to do whatever they w-wanted with me. Mike watching the entire t-time." She said no more, for her whole body became sobs.

Her entire being shook underneath me. I lay my body back into the cushions, making her lay on top of me.

Tears are soaking all over my torso, but I don't care. All I care about, is the girl lying on top of me, and the bastard I'm going to murder.

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