Chapter 3

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I dragged my feet as I exited the police station. Going there was just a waste of time. All it did was give me an encounter with my ass of a father and tick me off.

As I walk to my car, I can feel my necklace hitting my chest. He had no right to bring up Darcy, no right. When she was going through this shit, he didn't even do anything to help, except be useless.

I can fee a knot form in my throat as I think of her brown eyes and light red hair, and the last time I even talked to her.


"Harry," she whines as she pouts her lip. "Please?" I roll my eyes.

"You know I hate romance movies," I groan as she begs me to go to the movies with her and see some cheesy remake.

"I know, but we never got to see one together, and that's what normal couples do, go see romance movies with each other, and hold each other's hands through the sad parts." I can't help but give her a smile, she could always make me smile. "So what do you say?" She whispers and she leans into my face.

"I say we stay here for the night, and-" I press my lips against hers, and try to pull her on my lap. I can hear her chuckle between our connected lips.

"I don't think so," she says as we pull away for breath. "Not tonight, mister. It's the last night for this movie, and I refuse to not go."

"What about Emily? Didn't she want to go see it?" I love her with all my heart, but I'm just not into these kinds of movies, they're a waste of money and they were made for girl's nights, not couple's nights.

"I never even thought of her!" She exclaims as she goes and grabs her phone.

"Yet, you claim she's your best friend."

"Oh, shut up," she scolds as she holds the phone to her ear. I laugh.

"Hey, Emily! It's Darcy. Yeah I have-no she didn't-okay I'll tell her next time I see her-no-oh, I called because wanted to know if you wanted to go see a movie with me, since Harry's being all bitchy about it." I raise my hands in defense and she just smiles at me. "Great, I'll pick you up at six? See you then!" She hangs up the phone and checks the time. "I had better get going, if I'm going to pick her up at six." She says as she walks over to me.

"Are you just trying to avoid the fact you said I was being bitchy?" I try to hold a straight face, but I couldn't pull it off and I just had to crack a smile.

"Never," she grins as she comes over and plants a kiss on my lips. As she bends down, the paper plain necklace I gave her for our anniversary, falls out from behind her shirt, and swings back and forth. I give it a small tug, and pull her closer for a longer kiss. "I love you."

"I love you more," I say before she gets up, grabs her phone and keys, and leaves to pick up Emily.


I stare blankly out the windshield, thinking about how she wanted me to go to a simple movie with her, and me being the dick I am, told her to go with her friend.

I grasp the small, cold paper plain in my large warm hand, and think about that last moment I had with her. Her and Emily never made it to the theater. When they got there, it was dark, and the parking lot was full, so they parked in front of an alley. I always told her to stay away from alleys at night, but nothing was stopping her from seeing this movie, especially just a simple parking lot.

I heard that as they past the alley, some guys came out and tried to win the two of them over. Knowing how stubborn both girls can be, I can only imagine that they refused and probably told the guys what they thought of them. Also, it didn't help that the streets were dead, and they were alone with what I heard were three guys. Dad had been tracking this gang for quite a while, but he never caught them. They were the last victims of the gang, because they say they left the country and escaped. I'd like to find those bastards and kill them.

The cops were called, because after the movie let out, people walked by the alley, and seen their bodies lying on the pavement, blood pouring from their heads.

I was worried that night, because she never came home. I called her six times and she never answered, this was not normal. I was pacing the apartment and decided to go look for her, when my dad called.

I squeeze my eyes as I remember hearing that she was dead in an alley. He said they think she was pushed against a wall very harshly and it broke her spinal cord and cracked the lower part of her skull.

I rushed to the scene, but they wouldn't let me see her. I made the mistake of punching a cop, but I had to get to her. I cursed and screamed as I saw her lifeless body on the stretcher, then I seen my dad.

The paramedics wouldn't let me ride with the body, but dad convinced them to let me. That's the only good thing he did that night.

I remember being in the ambulance, and it seemed like the driver hit every pot hole on the damn road. I held her cold hand the whole time, and prayed to God that he would bring her back to me, but He never did.

When they were pulling her body out, I seen the necklace still hanging around her neck. I knew how much it meant to her, and I needed that part of her back. I took it from her neck, and put it on, and ever since that day, I never took it off once.

I release the necklace and lay my forhead on the steering wheel. I blame myself for that day, and I blame my dad for giving up on that case and not even trying to go after them.

After I regain myself, I decide to go home, and drink the rest of the beer from the fridge. That's all I like to do since she left me, is drink. I'm a mess, a fucking mess, and I can't stop.

I put the key in the ignition, and drive home. Even though it's been almost three years, her body lying on the stretcher still haunts me. I shake my head, trying to rid of these thoughts, and take a deep breath as I continue to drive.

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