Chapter Three

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Natsu's point of view
"So you ready for this job?" I asked Lucy. Before we went on the job Lucy told me we had to stop by her house.
"Yes, just had to get this!"Lucy replied holding out a jacket. Why a jacket?.... Oh! She's human. I forgot that they het cold really easy."So what are we doing on this job?"
"Well, we have to get this special ice!"I said with excitement. I really can't wait! This is going to be our first job together as a team!
"Sounds very cold. I'll be back agian! I have to get my boots,"Lucy said walking away. I love her smell. Don't judge! It's very natural for a dragon like me to fall in love with someone's smell. Wait there's another smell here, and it stinks of iron.
"Hey fire prick!" A dragon completely covered in iron scales said as he walked up to me.
"Hello Gajeel. Long time no see," I said to the dragon. Gajeel, why do you always show up at the wrong moments. I smelled around me to see if Lucy would be coming soon, but thankful she wasn't.
"Turn into a dragon! Or are you two scared to lose your mate?"Gajeel asked me. In an instant I turned into a smaller red dragon with the looks of flames at the end of each scale of mine.
"First off she isn't my mate! And second of all I don't want you to come here or anywhere near us again after what you did to Wendy's and my family!" I roared at Gajeel. Gajeel thinks he can take me on, but mostly to his disappoint I can beat into scrap metal easily.
After I said that Gajeel came after me. He was to predictable. He always goes to the left and if dodge then he goes back after the left. "I will not lose this time Salamander!" Gajeel screamed as I bite his wing. Ugh, I forgot how bad iron tasted.
"Well to bad!" I screamed as I turned back to a human. "Sorry but you still left a bitter taste in my mouth! You should of never went with your father for that year! Look at what he did to you!"
Gajeel then turned into a human. The look of anger and saddness lurked in his eyes. I could tell that it wasn't his fault for what he did, but what he did was unforgettable. "Salamander, I must win! You will die!"
"Gajeel no!" I started to mumble something. Knowing Gajeel he won't be able to hear me. "Roar!" And with me saying that Gajeel was burnt to a crisp. I can't fight him without the thought of wanting to kill him. "I'm sorry Gajeel, but I can't fight you. I am to weak to the thought of killing you."
"Natsu, I need you to take me to your dad,"Gajeel said as he looked calm.
"Why?" I asked him. Why does he need to see my dad? What good will it do for him?
"To help me. I can't control this anymore, and the guilt is getting to bad for me to spare."
"Then I shall you bring you to him, after Lucy gets out here,"I said as I sat down on Lucy's pprch step. Even if Gajeel supposibly changed, can he be trusted again? Will he come after Lucy? If he does come after someone, it won't be .e or my dad, it'll someone dear to me.
"Sorry it took me long. I had to de-" Lucy stopped half way threw ger sentence,"Who is he?"
"I'm Gajeel. That flame brains cousin. Does she know anything about our kind?" Gajeel asked me.
"No, and I would like it that way for a bit longer,"I replied to Gajeel with a hint of whats going on with me. All Gajeel did was smirk and laugh a little. He knows all about dragon time and what it does to you. He went threw it all ready a few years back when he was 15 and towards Levy, a gurl from the team shadow gear.
"Well, I'm ready to go! Will he be coming with us?" Lucy asked.
"No," I replied and with that Lucy and I were on our way to the moutains to obtain ice!
"Wait I still need to see your father!"Gajeel hollered. I grunted and told to come a long. Good thing my cave is a long the way."Hey Salamander, would you kill me if-"
"Yes! Why would you even want to?"
"Because it would be funny to see bunny girl's face."
"Her name is Lucy."
"So, the dragon time is already bitch slapping you?"
"Luce don't listen to him," I said to Lucy. I don't want to explain what I know of it and I don't need Gajeel to explain more.
"Oh but it sounds like great fun! Plus you're blushing from embarrassment! I never thought you could get embarrassed with your no shame attitude,"Lucy giggled. I don't even want her to meet my dad now. That would mean more of an embarrassing day.
"Gajeel we're here. My dad is inside," I said to Gajeel. Thank god I won't be seeing him for a little while,"Now time for the job!"
So what did Gajeel do? Also a little bit more into what "dragon time" is!~Freckles223344

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