Chapter Two

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Natsu's point of view
"Natsu!" Lucy screamed. Where is she? Why can't I call out to her?
"Lucy!" I screamed as I woke up. What is happening to me? I also only met her yesterday. Why do I care more about her?
"Hehe," I heard my dad laugh as I got out of my room. Well my room in a cave. "So son, how was your sleep?"
"Dad where is this going to get me?" I asked my dad. He will know how to answer most of my questions. He has gone threw being a teenager and the dumb dragon time. Wich he still has yet told me everything about!
"Only a little bit more of dragon time," my dad replied. He is so helpful!
"Dad explain more of dragon time to me. I want to know so that I won't get bitch slapped by it," I said to my dad as I sat at the dinning room table and laid my had down. Even if I did sleep a lot last night, I am still very tired.
"Well first off, you're going threw the first stage,"he said before he explained the rest.
Lucy's point of view
"So Lucy, what did you think of Natsu?" Mira asked me. Oh please don't start with your shipping stuff already Mira! I only just met him yesterday and I am not rwady to date anyone because of you.
"He's a very good young man," please, please, please Don't do it!
"So a very good young man? Say I think he is coming by today, want me to pair him up with you again?" Mira asked me.
"Mirajane!" I yelled at her as I started to chase her around. That girl needs to calm down her shipping a little bit...... Okay probably a lot!
"Mira leave the poor girl alone with your ships," Laxus sighed. Thank god Laxus was here. He is the only one that can make Mira calm down from her weird ships.
"Mira I'm going to take a break!" I hollered at Mira after I stopped chasing after her. She is really fast and strong! Most people don't think she is, because she looks like a sweet, little lady. But don't get her mad. I remember one time someone did..... let's say that person regretted it right away.
"Mira!" I heard someone yell as I went on my break. Hm I wonder who that is? The voice sounds very similar to two people I know. But who? Why am I even worrying? Well time to enjoy my break!
Natsu's point of view
"Mira!" I yelled out trying to find a girl with long white hair.
"Natsu!" Mira said as she walked over to me, "Who would you want to be with today?"
Well that's easy, but I don't see here anywhere. She's probably on break then. "No one at the moment," I replied to Mira. The girl I did want to be with wasn't here at the moment.
"Lucy is on break," Mira said with a smirk. I wonder why she would be om break? Oh wait, she works with Mira. Of course she would go on a break working with her!
"Thanks for the info!" I said as I walked off. Well I guess I can form a team with Lucy and get her out of this job. The jobs on the job board pay more then this job does.
"Natsu wait!" I heard another girl yell. Ugh! It was that annoying slut Lisanna. She sleeps with anyone I swear! Maybe she's just trying to make me jealous of her so I'll date her. Who knows though.
"How about no!" I replied to Lisanna walking into the real part of the guild. I wonder what jobs they have today? Well time to check it out then!
Time skip
Lucy's point of view
"Hey Luce!" I heard a fire mage say as I got off my break and went to my list of people waiting to be served.
"Oh, hey Natsu!" I replied back. Please say Mira isn't here! This is a great time for her shipping problem to accrue.
"Lucy you have Natsu again today!" I heard Mira say from the kitchen. Well atl least I won't be see this place for a while today.
"You ready to go on jobs?" Natsu asked me.
"Yup!" I replied.
"Actually Hapoy and I were wondering if you want to form a team?"
"Wait a team?" Me joining a team with Salamander and his cat? That's just crazy!
"Yes, a team. See is we form a team you won't have to work here anymore, " Natsu said smiling. His smile is actually really dorky, but so cute!
"Did you plan this?" I asked him while he shook his head yes. Why am I not surprised that he did?
"So Luce, how about we do this job today?" Natsu asked me holding up and job. The job sounds like actual fun. I mean there isn't very many monsters or anything to deal with, and it pays great!
"Why not, teammate!" I replied.
"So we are a team now. I like it!"
"Of course you do!"
The second chapter is done! So what is "dragon time?" Find out soon in coming up chapters! ~Freckles223344

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