Chapter 34: Big Cheese

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I've decided that this has to be a seriously messed up dream. It has to be. I'm not New Canton's Runner Five and my name isn't Chrysalis. And apparently according to everyone else it's not October, either; It's the middle of September.

The past. My dreams are always in the past.

Although this isn't exactly a memory like most of my dreams are. I know nothing of this place, and trying to find the north-west tunnel is a complete nightmare.

"Runner Twenty, report to the north-west tunnel," Nadia says through my headset. She pauses and growls softly when she gets no reply. "Runner Twenty!"

"I'm here. I'm here," Another voice, presumably Runner Twenty, replies. "You don't have to shout. I requested this mission to the Keeley Center. I'm hardly going to be late to investigate my old offices."

Keeley Center... I visited it in August... That must be why I'm dreaming in the past... because this is a dream. It has to be.

"Sorry," She apologizes. "It's just... Runner Five's going to be here any minute."

"Wow. What did I do to warrant the big cheese?" Runner Twenty giggles gleefully. "Big cheese... why cheese? Cheese isn't really scary or important. Big shark would work better; Big rhino? Although I suppose cheese is scary if someone is wheeling it down the road at you."

I snort. My subconscious makes up the funniest things.

"Not that I'm saying Runner Five is scary," She continues, "more like impressive or maybe intimidating."

I see a girl maybe in her mid twenties jabbering on and I immediately know this is the girl I'm apparently going on a mission with. Short black hair pulled into cute little pigtails with skin paler than mine-oddly enough. I didn't even think that was possible. I can only see one side of her face but I think I can see freckles splattered along her nose.

I slowly start to approach her as she continues to ramble.

"Runner Twenty," Nadia sighs.

"Yes, that's a good word. Intimidating. In-tim-a-dat-ing."

"Runner Twenty." Her voice holds more aggravation now.

"Lem always said Runner Five seemed kind of-"

"Archie!" She snaps, before quickly composing herself. "Runner Five is here now. Look to your left. No, your other left."

Archie's blue eyes sparkle when she sees me, and she beams so brightly it nearly hurts my eyes. "Ah, Runner Five-Chrysalis Gracier-good to see you again."

Really? That's the best fake name my mind could come up with? Chrysalis Gracier?

"I was just coming up with words to describe you. Want to join in?" Archie asks, but I don't respond, not wanting to get used to having a voice only for it to be snatched away when I wake up. "No? Okay."

"Runner Five and Runner Twenty, mission to the Keeley Center," Nadia announces. "Nothing too taxing. It's just five kilometers and we're light on zombies today. Should be an easy run there and back. Open the tunnel!"

I hear a loud groan of metal as the tunnel is opened in front of us.

"Set off the noise makers to the west!"

Loud booming noises sound into my ears seconds later, and I shift a bit uncomfortably at my mind's active imagination.


We take off, and I'm honestly surprised at how real this all feels. Almost too real to be honest- the pounding vibrations as my feet hit into the ground, the wind whipping my pony tail against my back, the slight chill in the air causing my skin to prickle-but I simply pass it off as me overthinking this-something I've never had the ability to do in my dreams before.

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