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A/N: I am in IT class and we are allowed to go on our phones because it's the last day of the term. Well it was until I had to stop and do some "work" because another teacher walked in.

Chapter Fourteen

I stood back and tried not to think about it too much. "Josh?" I asked, Josh looked over to me, then glanced back at the wall. My (colour) skinned fingers tracing over the lettering in the wall, some dust coming off onto my fingers. I wiped it on my jeans and carried on. Suddenly, Josh stopped breathing and started to get an anxiety attack, "Hey look at me," I crouched down beside him, "You'll be okay, I promise," I took my hand and placed it on my chest, "follow this, hopefully it will calm you down."

He was gritting his teeth and trying to retain a good- healthy- breathing rate. "We'll be okay, we can fight this together, yeah?" I held up my pinkie to him, "I promise," A wave of nausea hit me, and everything started to go black.

I woke up, in my bed, but not, it felt different. Everything looked the same. I went into my small bathroom and saw that the mirror, that used to have a chip in the right hand corner, that wasn't there, and the small dent in the counter wasn't either.

I got a weird, unnerving feeling, like... Like I was being watched...

"This isn't real Y/N, remember what your doctor told you, it's a drug, Hallucinogenic, none of it is real." I reminded myself and tried to calm myself down. I splashed some water onto my face to cool it down. I should try to escape. I couldn't find Josh anywhere.

"Josh?" I called out, a small muffled sound from what sounded like- underneath the floor boards, I found a small tool on the side and I used it to help flip up the floorboard. I saw a light from underneath, and saw Josh, standing in a bedroom, "Josh, does there look like any sort of exit down there."

He quickly looked around and shook his head, "No."

A light came from above and-

A torch was shone in my face, "Hello, Miss / Mr L/N, we are going to prescribe you some medication for the anxiety and something to counter react the Hallucinogenic, but for now, you and Mr Dun will be spending time in a house for- the mad" a white masked silhouette finished his sentence, only the top half of the mask was there, the bottom not, so I could see his, wide inhuman smile.

"We will make sure to check with your therapists you are okay."

- time skip -

I sat in the small, white room of my therapist, she was sat in a wheelchair, was wearing a red top, jeans, some furry boats and her ID badge, with the name Eve Allen written on it. "So, how have you been feeling."

"Well... I have been seeing these demons? And they haunt me, they wear white masks, have deep voices, they all speak to me, telling me to not do things- to stay inside. I am always wanting to be lonely despite not wanting to be alone; I want to do things- bad things to myself. I just don't see the point anymore." She hummed and wrote things down, then she asked, "Do you have some friends you would talk to this about?" I shook my head then stated, "But I have got a boyfriend, Josh, I talk to him about it."
She beamed happily, nodded then muttered "Good."

"Well Y/N, your therapy session is now over, you feeling much better?" Eve asked, I lightly nodded and weakly smiled, "Thank you, bye!" I called out, closing the door, letting out a huge sigh, and making my way back to my room I was staying in to take my pills.


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