Swara OS :" Learning Tips From Experts

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Disclaimer : " Wonder why I start with one ,you will find out when you read the One Shot , I had written this long back when the show had been still on air , so forgive my temporary insanity. 

All character are used just for fun , No intention to offend any fandom or show , please don't take it seriously and if you find the humour in it . Then I will be pleased as a writer

Swara Sanskar Maheshwari looked at the expectant faces as she found her way inside the cafe , she didnt want to resort to asking stranger for help but desperate time calls for desperate measures.

Usually when there was any trouble either in her life or to those she loves then she can be trusted to deal with the problem single handedly because she is the female lead of the show along with her sister ,Ragini . So sometime she had to let Ragini solve the problem single handedly as well .

And when the writers get confused on who to choose as the problem solver ,they always end up making it a  joint mission which meant swara working  alongside her sister Ragini , while the background music of Swaragini fills the television screen

And sometime the writers think a plot twist is needed and end up creating a rift between the sister ,it can be for small reasons like your sister trying to kill you or her falling in love with your boyfriend or even a small misunderstanding like your sister assuming that you kidnapped her when it was her husband instead or your husband trying to kill her husband in anger and so on

But if it happens the writers choose to drag the rift for weeks and then without even addressing the issue reunite them for yet another joint mission .

And during those weeks ,their husband plays a vital role as they take the role of partner in crime . For Swara ,her husband happens to be the one who supports her and for her poor sister ,her husband happens to be the one who kidnaps her but since her sister loves him ,she will end up forgiving him unlike her husband 

It was  on one such joint mission between the sister trying to reunite their family , the writers decided to go for a terrible plot twist by taking away her husband from her side .

Yet again the writer fault because they reunited the sister without addressing the small fact that her sister just declared her as dead and performed her funeral rites few days ago but one long speech from her mother was enough to forget everything for Swara unlike Sanskar .

So yeah swara was separated from her sanskar ,and since ragini is also the female lead she was separated from her husband as well who went missing for no reason because writers didn't have time to think of it yet. 

And now six months later , laksh came back with a illogical reason which was enough to convince her sister but her husband was refusing to take her back. 


It has been two months since laksh came back .Yet no matter how much mission after mission she undertook, her husband has still not accepted her  which was confusing to her because well the writers are known for their quick reunions .

Still she kept trying and used  all plans in her arsenal and  now she desperately need another plan because going solo wasn't working this time , she first asked her sister if she was willing to go on a joint mission  but ragini  plans spelled more disaster as she suggested that maybe Swara should try her way by attempting for suicide. 

Sure that was the writer way of redeeming her sister every time she makes those small mistakes but swara one encounter with gun had been enough for her and she has no intention of adding to it .

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