Chapter 13: Save Me

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A.N.: Haha don’t kill me again. I feel like this chapter is turning out bad, but eh. I’ll see when my fans comment. :3

“Just… Up!”

God her voice is so shrill…. Lyann thought to herself. She had a pounding head ache as she began to come around. She still couldn’t make out all the noises around her. Her consciousness came and went.

“… Don’t give… shit!”

The girl groaned in pain and frustration as her captor screamed at whoever it was that crawled up her ass. She didn’t hear any reply, so it must have meant she was talking on a phone? She couldn’t be too sure. Lyann attempted to open her eyes but it proved useless as her world was still black. She was blindfolded and tied up into a chair. She pulled at her restraints, only making the chair rock with the force.

How do I keep getting myself into these messes? She asked herself with a heavy sigh. She felt something cold and sharp press against her cheek which made her breath hitch in her throat. She stilled her fidgeting and listened closely to what was happening. “So sleeping beauty is awake. Nice to meet ya.” Her voice was laced with sarcasm and hate. The woman pulled off the cloth that blinded her and removed the blade from her cheek.

She was met with Jane’s face in a dimly lit room. The walls and floor were concrete and splattered with dried blood. Clearly there had been a lot of deaths here and that did not help Lyann’s nervousness. She managed a small and awkward smile to the other. All she got in return was spit in her face. She gasped and shook her head. She nearly made the chair fall back from her jump of surprise.

“Don’t you smile at me, bitch. You’ve been giving me shit ever since that Jeffy met you. You’re not my friend.”  Lyann was confused at what she was talking about. She shivered as the spit trailed down her cheek, the once warm liquid becoming cool. It was so nasty and all she could think about was scrubbing her skin off. “What are you talking about, I don’t even know you.” Lyann tried to reason but Jane shook her head.

“Oh, you’ve been affecting me. You’ve been causing Jeffy stress, you do the math.” The brown haired girl stared blankly at Jane, still completely lost at where she was trying to go. The pasta moaned with irritation: “Look, it’s my job to make Jeff’s job hard. I hate everything he is. And since I can’t kill him I try to make his life living hell by stealing his victims. Although, I had to stop that since I got banned from the town…” Jane had started pacing the room and spinning the knife in her fingers. “Jeff normally didn’t kill that many… Now add in stress, and Jeff triples his killings. Eventually he moved out of Slender’s town and into the surrounding towns to not cause suspicion.”

Jane paused and turned around fast, throwing the blade towards Lyann. It landed square in her shoulder and made her scream in pain. The woman with black hair waited until she stopped screaming to resume. “I was starting to move on from Jeff, but of course I noticed when he came into the town I was living in. And he came nearly every damn night.” She picked up another sharp knife and ran her pale fingers across the blade, smiling at Lyann. She walked to her and straddled her lap, gently prodding the knife into her other shoulder.

Lyann had to hold back her screams and bit her lip instead. This was bad, really bad. How would anyone even find her? It looked like she was underground, no windows, no light, and she didn’t even notice a door way. How did they get in here? How far from the mansion were they? “Don’t even think of escaping. Just sit back and enjoy your punishment for existing. I’ve wanted another girl to have fun with.” Lyann blushed as Jane leaned in and trailed a few kisses down her neck. Oh dear God… I think I’ve had enough kissing! She squeezed her eyes shut as Jane finished pushing the blade all the way into her right shoulder; she finally gave into the pain and screamed for Jeff.

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