Chapter 4: Internal War

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Omg everyone finally to chapter four~ I couldn't wait to write it, even I want to know what happens lmao. (Yes I barely know what half of this story is going to be, but don't worry I already know the ending~) Thank you for the reads and support. I'm enjoying writing this so much. And after some feedback from deviant art I decided to change it to third person. Hopefully that may make it flow better. I'll have a few occasions where it will go back into one of their views. :3

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Lyann stared up at the killer in front of her, her heart beating in over time. What is this feeling? Why do I... like it? She felt so confused and she couldn't hide her giddy smile. She relished in the pain, breathing heavy as she felt a small amount of blood oozing from the wound and soaked into her sweater. She knew she had to keep the knife in there or else she would risk bleeding out. "I-I'm going to get a towel." She mumbled quietly and started to make her way into the bathroom, grabbing one of the towels.

Jeff had followed her, still a little dumb founded that she was so calm. He couldn't kill her, he realized. He wouldn't get any joy out of killing someone who enjoyed getting stabbed. Could he? It would be so weird. He's never had anyone who enjoyed getting stabbed in the shoulder. He watched Lyann as she slowly pulled the knife out of her flesh, blood starting to spew out and she cried, though no tears fell. She was smiling, her body shaking. 

The knife fell to the floor as she covered the wound with the towel, letting the blood soak into it as she made her way around Jeff and into the kitchen. Now she was focused on getting it sealed up, she didn’t' want to die.

"Hey, stupid." He called to her as he followed. "What the hell is wrong with you?"

Lyann looked a little irritated. "What the hell do you mean?! I can't help it! I didn't know, I had never been stabbed before." She was huffing as she reached for the first aid and pulled the sweater over her head, knowing she had on a tank top underneith like always. She whimpered when she poured disinfecting liquid on it, making her shiver. The cut was so deep and she couldn't move her arm. It tore her muscles. 

"Damn, Jeff. Did you really have to do that? I've been freaking feeding you and all this crap." She vented while she pulled out a needle and thread. and did her best to one arm it but she was failing horribly. 

The killer let out a sigh before coming over to her and ripping out the stuff from her hand. He hated it but he did feel bad... Well, Jeffery felt bad. She treated him better than Slender and the other creepies, so what reason did he really have other than to satisfy his curiosity. He began sewing up the still bleeding wound, not trying to be gentle at all. This was making the girl in front of him whine and clench her fist. 

Jeff threw away the left over thread and needle, finishing up by covering the injury with a pad and taping it there. He wasn't sorry, at least he wouldn't say it. He was a killer he shouldn't have to be sorry and she should know better to think of him otherwise. "Go to sleep." He told her and she looked up, nodding and got up to go to bed. It was pretty late and she was drained from all ths shock her body just went through. 

Lyann closed the curtains to block out herself from the rest of her apartment, shuffling to the bed. She simply slid out of her pants and boots, setting her phone on the charger and turning her alarm clock on before snuggling under the covers. She felt cold since she had lost blood. It wasn't a lot, but it was still a good bit and it made her so tired. The girl was asleep in no time, breathing softly.

Jeff was putting away the first aid kit, remembering that she had mentioned laundry. He walked out into the cold night, not fazed by the chill wind that whipped at his bare skin. It was quite refreshing, actually. It took him a while to find the room full of washers and driers, and even longer to find the two with their clothes. He gathered them up and took them back to the room, tossing them in the corner of her bedroom. He sure wouldn't be folding anything; he didn't even fold his own laundry back at home. 

The killer looked over to the girl that was already asleep. He wasn't surprised. He slaked over to the bed and looked over to watch her face. She looked like she was having a dreamless sleep when she suddenly smiled. His brows furrowed as he watched her lips open and a small whisper came out, but he couldn't understand what it was. It was a little frustrating as he watched her frown and shiver.

It’s your fault a quiet and shy voice in the back of his head spoke. He scowled, as much as he could with a smile carved into his cheeks.  I'm a psychotic killer it’s not my fault. He heard a sigh, Jeffery was waging a war he couldn't win. Jeffery felt bad for the girl, and Jeff couldn't help but gasp when Jeffery had the urge to hold her and keep her warm. No, no. You need to just go away. The monster inside growled and the boy cowered away, disappearing into the back of his mind. 

Jeff grabbed up his pant, shirt and hoodie from the pile of clothes and threw them on before pulling his shoes on. He stalked into the living room and stuffed his hand under the couch cushion, pulling out his knife and stared at his reflection in the blade. He smiled, feeling his urges grow. He snapped his head up and looked at the grey and black etched curtains. He went to take a step but stopped as Jeffery held him back. 

"Damn it, Jeffery." He muttered before heading out the front door, locking it behind him. He sprinted into the forest, using it as cover and a short cut to another part of the town where he could find a house. As he was looking for a house he walked by a park, seeing a couple making out on a bench. He felt like throwing up, the two might as well have been having sex. He stalked up quietly, the two not hearing a sound as they were consumed with each other.

Before either of them knew what was going on the girl squealed as the killer jerked her over the back of the bench and dragged her away from her lover. The other male looked wide eyed and full of fear when he saw Jeff's face and the blade that now pressed against his girlfriend's neck. "Dude, look, just let her go, I got money." Jeff's smile grew bigger as he took his knife and shoved it into the girl's chest, letting her scream out for a moment. "Go to sleep." he whispered before slicing her neck. 

The boy watched his girlfriend get dropped to the ground. She was shaking violently and struggled to breathe, gurgling sounds could be heard in the dead quiet. "You next." Before the boy could react Jeff was already on him, knocking him to the ground and he started slicing the male all over his chest, laughing out as blood splattered over the wood chips and himself. The boy barely had any life left when the killer told him to go to sleep, slicing his neck. Afterwards he carved smiles into both of their cheeks, setting them back up on the bench. He smiled at his handy work before running off, disappearing into the woods as sirens approached the park, moving onto his next victim. 

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The killer sneaked in through the window. It was three in the morning and he quietly shut the window back, not wanting to disturb the sleeping girl. He quietly made his way into the bathroom and took a quick shower. He would need to stop back by the abandoned shack he lived in so he could get some more clothes. If Jane didn't burn it down. He remembered now the whole reason he was staying here, Jane had found his home so he had to make her think he disappeared. He knew she was following him as he walked that night to get his kill but he was ignoring her. 

He got out of the shower, not bothered about walking naked into the nearly pitch black bedroom. He could see alright, and by the girl's breathing he knew that Lyann was still fast asleep. He put on the sweats from before, and without thinking he climbed into the bed, sliding behind the girl and pulling her back into his chest. She groaned a little at the movement but didn't wake. He could hear Jeffery's chuckling echo around his mind as his old self felt happy. The monster inside wanted nothing more than to snap the girl's neck here and now. After a while of trying to relax and clam his mind he mumbled "Sweet dreams" before finally falling into a light sleep, his face buried into the girl's hair.

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