Chapter 2: The Wheel Turning

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(Lyann's POV)

I woke up with a jump, my alarm blaring in my ear. I reached over to my bedside table, my eyes not even open. I patted around and didn't find it anywhere. It was still ringing, loud and obnoxious. "God, where is it?!" I sat up and gasped when I came face to face with the male from last night. He was couching over my legs, holding the wireless alarm clock in his hand. "C-cut that crap off" I reached for it but he pulled it away and switched it off, dropping it on the bed. I was breathing a little heavy, my heart pounding. Not because of him, but because I woke with such a jump. I looked up at the male and he was staring at me blankly. I looked down, seeing a knife in his hand. When I looked back up his smile already carved into his face grew wider.

"Time to finish last night." He whispered and I gulped. Now my heart was beating fast because of the way he looked at me, my chest rising and falling quicker than before. He looked like some crazed animal that was about to dig his teeth into his prey. I let out a light and stained laugh but I quieted when I was pushed back. He was over me, something cold pressing against my neck. I stared up at him, my eyes wide and full of fear, simply because I didn't want to die. His face didn't really scare me. I used to see a lot worse around my dad and his work. I needed to think of something that would distract him, and fast. "A-ah, but, wouldn't it be a shame to pass up free breakfast?" I smiled up at him, and I knew that my face was as innocent as a child's. 

Just then a gurgle came from his stomach and his lips thinned out in frustration. Damn that looks hot. I shivered and shook my head. No, no. What the hell Lyann? I kept my smile despite feeling nervous and fearful. Eventually the cold blade was removed from my neck and the stranger got off of me. I sat up and rubbed my neck, letting out a relieving sigh. I watched him as he turned towards me, his face full of irritation and anger. "Well hurry the fuck up." I jumped and glared at him. "I need a shower first. I always shower first." I was pushing the sheets off of me and I got up, going to my closet to get out fresh underwear, dark blue jeans, a black sweater, a gray scarf. I turned to see the male glaring at me harder.

"It will take me a few moments." I reassured him as I walked over to the bathroom and shut the door, being sure to lock it. I normally wasn't used to having to do so but even I knew better than to leave the door unlocked with a strange male in the house that obviously wanted my blood. I didn't know why, but to each their own I guess. I started the water as I took off my pajamas from the night before and put them in the laundry hamper. The white tiles were cold on my feet so I stood on the grey rug that was beside the glass encased shower. I looked across to the mirror above the small counter and sink. I let down my chestnut brown hair, throwing the band on the center before I looked back into the mirror. My hair was so plain, straight and had barely any form to it. Maybe I should die it, or get some highlights. 

I pushed the thought aside for now and got into the shower, smiling as the hot water ran over me. I wet my hair before using shampoo and conditioner together. It was faster and just as effective for me. I then washed my body really quick with my 'pomegranate paradise' body wash. I stepped out and grabbed my first towel, swinging my hair over my head and wrapping it up. Then I used a second towel to dry off my body. A loud banging was on the door and I couldn't help but laugh. My, he's quite impatient. "Hold on just another minute I'm almost done." I giggled some more while I got dress. My moist hair fell around my shoulders when I let it out of the towel. After hanging up the towels I went to the door, letting out a sigh before I opened it, seeing him leaning against the wall right where the door opened.

His shaggy hair fell around his face as he looked over to me and I looked down, noticing his clothes, still covered in blood and holed up. "Why don't you shower while I cook, I have some clothes that may fit you." I left the bathroom door open as I went back to my closet and pulled out gray sweat pants and a black shirt, both of them obviously big for me. "These should work." I smile and he ripped them from my hand and slammed the bathroom door. "Just leave your clothes in the floor I'll sew them and wash them tonight." I called and heard him grunt. That made me laugh again, then I remembered I needed to be gone before he got back. I went ahead and packed my book bag and put on my black leather boots and took my bag with me to the kitchen before starting breakfast. 

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