Chapter 5: Pop Goes the Weasel

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The ring of the alarm clock filled the bedroom, the two bodies stirring under the covers. Both groaned, almost as if they were in unison. Before Lyann could reach for the thing a body quickly leaned over her and grabbed up the clock, turning it off and tossing it to the floor. She heard it break and was instantly wide awake. She was about to sit up but an arm wrapped around her and pulled her back down into the mattress and against whoever was behind her. She tried to turn around, the strong arm only allowing her to move to where she was facing the person behind her. 

"J-J-Jeff!" She cried and tried to push against him with her good arm.

He groaned and glared at her. "Shut up, stupid. Go to sleep."

She huffed when he told her to shut up and go back to sleep. "I'm sorry but I actually have things to do other than kill people. I have to go to school I can’t miss my classes." She kept trying to push away but he kept her firmly against his bare chest, smiling a little at her. 

She looked up and noticed his curled lips and then looked up to his black irises that were looking down at her. "You're not going anywhere. You need to rest with your shoulder. How do you even expect to write or carry your bags, hmm?" he asked at her.

Lyann stopped struggling then. He was right; she wouldn't be able to really do much with her bad shoulder, she could not even move her arm. She gasped when Jeff pulled her even closer, her face pressed into the warmth of his chest and she felt his breath tickle the top of her head.

“What are you doing?” She asked embarrassment and confusion evident in her voice. She tried to ignore the fact that she was blushing, the fact he was shirtless, and the fact that she didn’t have shorts or pants on. She was glad that he could not see her face.

“Keeping you warm. You were shivering last night and I decided to let Jeffery win this one.” He tried to play it off like it wasn’t his idea and that he wasn’t pleased about it. Really he was actually quite enjoying it, but with how stubborn he was he would not admit it. He hadn’t held someone this close in… well, never really. The warmth of holding someone under the sheets was something he had never experienced, and it slightly calmed the beast inside. Jeff smiled when she finally relaxed in his arms, allowing him to relax too. “Just go to sleep.” He whispered before settling down, wishing he could just close his eyes again. Not before long both were unconscious again, sleeping the morning away.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Jeff woke up before the girl; he stretched, fully rested now that it was sometime just after noon. Lyann stirred from his movements but didn’t wake, only cuddled closer to the killer, her face buried into his chest. He chuckled but his lips quickly turned into a frown. What the fuck am I doing? He got up and walked out of the bedroom, stalking to the kitchen and looked around for something to eat. He settled on an apple and took a bite out of it, scowling at himself. What the hell.

He stopped pacing the living room when he heard a groan, looking over to see Lyann in the opening of the curtains. She was rubbing her eyes with her good hand. She looked at him, wondering why his eyes were looking down. She looked down as well, seeing her tank top riding up on her hips, leaving her light blue panties out in the open. She squealed and disappeared behind the curtains.

Jeff took another bite of the apple, still staring in that same spot before he shook his head. Damn. He thought before looking up to the clock, finalizing the time to be just pass two. He forced her to stay home today, but what would he do? He felt so strange being around her. After satisfying his old self with showing affection it confused him further. He shouldn’t be doing any of this, shouldn’t be here, shouldn’t have slept with her last night. He should have killed her that first night, why did he let his guard down?

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