Decietful Wiles

779 31 8

Aurora stood in Clara's bedroom.

She had to blink twice and shake her head, just to realize her sister was really there. The slumber spell Freya had put on her should not have... Then, after a moment, it dawned on her; it was the hollow. She glanced back at Aurora's eyes, they had flashed blue. Blue like the light she'd scene in the circle. That was when she realized who she was dealing with.

Aurora- the hollow- smirked, placing a finger on her lips. "Mm. You, by far, are the quickest to realize who I am." She walked across the room. "Smart girl."

"What do you want?" Clara asked.

"Oh, pay no attention to me, darling, I'm just here to dig into the deepest parts of your mind." Aurora chuckled, "You have many secrets. I can see them all. Would you like to hear one?" Clara didn't answer, making her smile, "If you insist! That self control you claim so much. It's all a lie."

"Stop it." Clara pleaded weakly.

"You couldn't keep your hands off Elijah of you wanted to." Aurora continued. "How pathetic. You have no control-"

Clara lost it. Proved to the hollow about her true lack of self control. She swiped her finger across Aurora's neck, cutting her throat. She bled out and collapsed to the floor in a loud thud. As if an illusion had be lifted, Lucien replaced her sister. His throat slashed. "No!"

Aurora's chuckle filled her ears. "Don't feel bad, love. Im impressed you held yourself back for that long." She tilted her head and looked at Lucien. "I'll forever be in his heart, you know. You'll never truly have him all."

"Leave me alone." Clara begged. She rushed out of the room and came face-to-face with her sister again. "What do you want?"

"You're really pathetic, Clara." She sighed, dramatically. "You think Klaus truly accepts you, that Marcel might actually consider you a friend. You're nothing to them. They want you dead just like they wanted me and Tristan dead."

"You're not my sister."

"She's right."

Clara froze. "Tristan?"

"My love, what have I always told you? Have you not learned anything?" He pointed to Klaus, who stood below her. "Kill your enemy before he can kill you. They're not your true family and they'll never accept you."

"Shut up!" She broke a decorative table and tried to stake Tristan, the hollow, but only found Elijah. He held her wrist in his hand. She gasped and dropped the stake, covering her mouth. "I'm so sorry."

"Klaus!" He called.


"It's affecting you all."

Clara held Lucien's hand tightly, as Elijah spoke. But she couldn't help but look at the blood that covered his neck. She turned to address Elijah and nodded. "It's getting in my head, making me hurt the people I love. I can't be around Hope and I suggest Klaus doesn't either. Take Hope and Hayley to Mary."

"So, if it's affecting you then it must be affecting Marcel, as well." He thought for a moment. "I will take them to the bayou. Then, we will figure this out. Call Freya."

Clara got to her feet, holding Lucien by his cheek. "Go back to the room. Just, stay out of this for now. I don't want to hurt you."

"I can help you."

"Lucien, leave. Now. I can do this on my own. I won't ask again." With a grunt he disappeared. She gave a weak smile to the two Mikaelsons brothers and walked into the next room.

The hollow wanted her to kill Klaus, why not Marcel? If it wanted her to kill one of them then that meant it wanted them to kill her. She was more powerful than men, sacrifice-wise, at least. Her death would give the hollow exactly what it needed to come back.

Cousin, Dearest.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن