L'art De La Guerre

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"So, the party's at full swing." Vladislov stated, his eyes glanced around. He was trying to discreetly coax Clara into going down, drink, dance, the whole works. He had his wife, Serafina, in his lap. She was poised so gracefully. Her big eyes looked at Clara curiously.

Clara looked up from her glass of bourbon and smirked at him. "Nice try, Vladis. I don't feel like going to a party right now, ok? I fought with Niklaus, Elijah is too close for comfort, Lucien is out there someone probably angry at me. Or possibly outside this house trying to get ahold of me without being killed by the Mikaelsons." She sighed. "I'm sorry."

"But Clara you're already dressed beautifully!" Serafina cried. She touched the material of her green satin dress and pouted. "You can't just lock yourself away in a dress like that."

Clara paused, frowning. "10 minutes-" Serafina squealed happily, "20 minutes tops. After that I will sulk in my room alone."

Vladis got to his feet and had a girl on each arm. The party did seem rather fun, but Clara new the ulterior motive to it and that ruined it for her. She broke away from her friends and went straight to the bar, where she order a scotch on the rocks.

She spent all of 5 minutes standing there, sipping the bitter drink, staring at the crowd of humans and witches, even a few werewolf's.

Hope was at her grandmother's so unfortunately Clara could not sneak away and use her as an excuse to escape the party that was sure to turn red with the blood of her enemies.

Not her enemies, perse.

The blood of innocent people being controlled by a monster that could offer desperate people the power they needed. The hollow looked for people with nothing to lose and everything to gain. Weak people.

Elijah appeared from behind and met her, just for a moment. He smiled. "Lovely dress, Clara."

"You look quite dashing yourself." She replied, with a lazy smile. Then, she remember Hayley. Her eyes darted around the crowd, her nose tried picking up the wolf's scent.

"She's not here."

Clara looked up, her eyes widen. "How did you-"

"I know you." He replied, then he turned to leave, finishing his sentence, "You always put others before yourself.

She scoffed and opened her mouth to argue but Elijah was already on the balcony, that overlooked the Courtyard.

He began a speech she did not want to hear, and Niklaus stood proudly beside him; A charming smi rk graced upon his lips. He glanced down at his cousin and met her gaze, giving her a quick nod, as if he were allowing her to leave.

Clara scoffed, downed the rest of her drink, then exited the party. She could go to her room, but it was lonely. It seemed vladis and Serafina we're enjoying the company of the New Orleans people. Then, there was outside the walls of the compound, but Lucien was out there; He was waiting for her to leave the safety of her family. So, being the curious little cat she was, she went to find Marcel who was being kept in a secret dungeon. A boundary spell and a cloaking spell that only allowed the Mikaelson blood to locate him.

But, luckily Freya altered the spell for Clara.

Inside the secret underground tunnel area, was a very anger Marcel. He was surrounded by a circle of salt, candles, and herbs.

The only light in the place were small torches.

"What do you want?"

Marcel sat in the middle of his salt circle, sweat beaded on his forehead, he was pale; hungry.

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