Chapter 1: The Day When it All Began

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Your P.O.V

*Running* Mom! Dad! Where are you!?!?*Stops in front of a big titan biting a women in half* As I stood there I saw a boy and a girl running away with a soldier and the boy was crying. Maybe that was his mom or something like that.*Starts running* I ran to look for my parents and found them in the hands of a titan, both of them crying for help. I wanted to do something, but I couldn't even move. Then my mom saw me standing there and yelled, "_____ YOU HAVE TO GET OUT OF HERE AND GO TO THE BOATS NOW!!!!!!!" I wanted to move and run to where my mom told me to go, but I could only stand and stare. "___ MOVE NOW OR THE TITANS ARE GOING TO EAT YOU TOO!!!!!" When my father said that I turned around and started running to the boats and I had the sudden urge to yell out, "MOM DAD I LOVE YOU PLEASE WATCH OVER ME IN HEAVEN!!!!!!!!" They both looked down at me with tears in their eyes and they yelled back, "___ WE WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU AND PLEASE LIVE ON FOR US WE LOV......" I couldn't hear the last words they said because the titan swallowed them whole. About three minutes passed since my Mom and Dad died, and I had gotten to the boat safe and sound. Looking around the boat, I notice the boy and girl that I saw when I had stopped in front of the titan eating a woman. The boy looked really sad, but the girl next to him had no facial expression at all. Then out of nowhere came a boy with blond hair who looked like a girl. He sat next to the crying boy. I wanted to go to him and to make him feel safe, but I thought that would be strange. The crying boy got up from where he was sitting and yelled out "I WILL KILL ALL THE TITANS!!!!!!!!!" I laughed softly at what he had said, but he heard and came up to me.

Eren's P.O.V

I wanted to kill every titan after what happened to my mom and I had to yell it out. When I did though, a girl a few feet away from me laughed at what I said. I got angry, and I wanted her to understand that what I said was true. When I walked over to her, she looked like she was scared of me and tried to hide her face. After that, I felt that I should try and help her, not yell at her. "Uh, you girl in the (f/c) dress. What's your name?" She looked up to me and tears came running down her face. "My name is ____, and I'm sorry that I laughed at you like that. I didn't mean to, really." I gently grabbed her hands and held them close to me. "Don't worry, ___ I bet seeing a nine year old boy yelling like he's crazy would be funny to me, too. Right, Mikasa? Armin?" I got Mikasa and Armin to come over and say hi to ____ to make her feel better. We paced along the wall and we were hungry, but ___ didn't want to eat anything, so Mikasa stuffed bread into her mouth and she later did the same to me too. "So, ____ where are you going to sleep for the night?" ___ looked up at the sky and said, in the most soft, calming voice ever "Im going to sleep under the stars tonight." I can't stop thinking how cute ___ looked as she gazed up at the stars and started to gather some hay for a makeshift bed. "Uh, ___ is it ok if I sleep under the stars too, like with you? She looked at me with a small smile and she held her hand out to me. Me and ___ lay there looking up at the distant stars and fell asleep happy and together.

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