Chapter 6

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"You quit your job!? Anya sweetheart are you crazy!?" I couldn't tell if it was shock or anger building up in Mr. Harrison

"No dad, Demitri and I are just taking some time to find ourselves that's all" she placed her hand on my shoulder when saying my name

"What!? Demitri you quit to!? What about the company!?" My dad asks, looking more concerned with the company than with my reasoning

"No dad I didn't quit. I'm just taking some time off to travel the world with Anya" immediate regret came over me as the words left my mouth

"World travel!? Anya how can you afford this?" Mr. Harrison kept his eyes fixed on Anya

"Oh I know how" my dad said under his muffled breath but still loud enough for everyone to hear

"Mr. Evens I never--" Anya started before my father cut her off

"Son, can we speak to you. In private please"

"Yes Anya we should be getting home to. Goodbye James, Lilly. Demitri" Mr. Harrison got up and headed to the front door. You could cut the attention with a butter knife at this point.

"I'll talk to you later sunshine" I assured Anya giving her a hug as she followed her father out the door.

As I closed the front door I turned into the disapproving eyes of my parents.

"What are you thinking!?" My father scowled as we walk into the kitchen. My mom carrying the tray with her white porcelain tea set.

"Dad, it's not that difficult to understand. I'm taking time off to go on a adventure with Anya, it's as simple as that" I stayed as calm and confident as I could

"You can't just pack up and leave for some girl. You run a company now!" Dad stood In front of me with anger riddled on his face. His thick brows frowned into one, his lips in a thin line, his hard and forehead layered with frown lines and wrinkles covered his face.

"Anya is NOT just some girl dad!" I argued mimicking his body language

"If this is yet another attempt to win her affections, it's not going to work! You tried in high school then you dicked around in college with God knows how many women and now you want to buy her love!? Get over her boy!" The fact that my father thinks I'm trying to buy her love just shows how 'well' he he knows Anya. She was never impressed by my money. If only they knew why we were actually taking this trip.

"She doesn't want my money dad. I offered to pay for this trip. I need this trip and I want to take Anya with me.... I won't miss out on any time I have left with her..." I hung my head as I said my last ambiguous sentence low under my breath

Son, don't ruin your life for--" before he could finish his unforgiving thought, mom interrupts him.

"That's enough James! Shame on you for speaking of Anya like that. You've watched her grow into the sweet, intelligent, compassionate, beautiful and independent young lady she is today. She helped mold our son into the man he is today..." Her eyes start to water" she brought him back to us and you act like she's planning to drain him dry like a leach!" Her eyes turn away from him as he hung his head in shame

Her eyes met mine and a small smile appeared on her face "you're a smart young man baby. I trust you, and if you believe you need to take this trip with Anya, for whatever reason... then you do it" she placed both hands on either side of my shoulders and kiss my cheek ending off with "I love you"

"Thanks mom, I love you to" I said giving her a hug "I promise dad the company will be fine. But I'd appreciate it if you'd look in once in awhile" I gave dad a smile and he returned it with a nod of approval.

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