Past: chapter 1

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Have you ever thought about the concept of time? The past? The present? And the future? Have you ever thought about how much time you still have left? In short, what's on your bucket list? This must sound very morbid but I promise this is actually a really fun story and the truth is it's not even mine. This story is about my best friend... the most amazing girl that has ever graced the earth.


I was in my room playing with my legos when mom called me to the living room. "Demitri! Sweetie come down here and say hallo!" I reluctantly, got up and ran down stairs finding my mom in the living room with two strange adults and a little girl holding MY Spider-Man action figure that I had left on the couch last night.

"Demitri, this is Mr. And Mrs. Harrison and their little girl, Anya. They just moved in next door" mom said smiling at me

"Such a handsome boy" the lady said in a soft tone

"Demitri, why don't you take Anya to see your tree house while the grown-ups talk in here" by the look on my mom's face I knew it wasn't a suggestion

"Come on" I said walking out the sliding glass door with her short on my heels

"Race you to the top!" She yelled pushing me to the side making me fall and started running for the tree house ladder. Crazy girl! She has too much energy.

She lived next door for six years but it wasn't 'till my mother invited her to my 13th birthday that we became friends.


"Yes Miss. Andrews"


"Dude, did you see her face when the lab rat scurried out of her filing rack!?"

"I know right? They should name this room after us" I chuckled leaning back in my desk fully amused by the prank Anya and I pulled first period. This was a little tradition of ours. At the beginning of each year since 7th grade when we first planned and executed the plan to past Mr. Prince's coffee mug to his desk. I'm pretty sure it's still there.

"MR. Evens, Miss Harrison is on line two"

"Thank you Wendy"

Anya had a habit of calling me at work instead of on my cell just to be called 'Miss Harrison' by my assistant, Wendy. But she usually waited for lunch time but not today for some reason. I picked up my phone and playfully said: "Demitri Evens from Evens corporations"

"Hi Demi..."

The tone of her voice made my blood run cold. It wasn't her usual perky louder than life sweet voice I had grown accustome to over the past 17 years we've been friends. No, something was wrong. The last time I heard her this worried was when her mom died two years ago.

"Sunshine, what's wrong? What happened?" I asked unable to hide the terror in my voice.

"Can you meet me for lunch?" Her soft broken voice asked through the phone

"Sure sunshine, we can meet right now. Where are you? Where do you wanna meet?"

"No, don't leave work just for me. Meet me at 12 at the little café down the street from your office building" she said quickly before hanging up on me

The rest of the morning I couldn't concentrate. All I could think of was what could have upset Anya so much, that it drained the happiness from her voice. Nothing upset he, ever. Not getting detention as kids not even the god awful rush hour traffic the city was so well known for. I ducked out early for lunch too impatient to wait any longer for time to move forward.

I arrived at the café before her and got a table near the window so I could keep a eye out for her. A few minutes later she walks through the door. When she spots me her eyes light up like they always do when she looks at me and a weak smile forms on her face. She looks ok, I think to myself as I stand up when she reaches the table. I wrap my arms around her hugging her tight like I always do when I see her. With her head pressed against my chest she wraps her arms around me and hugs me back.

"Have you ordered yet?" She asks with a slightly perked up voice as we take our seats

"Not yet, just got here"

The moments that passed while she browsed the menu felt like hours as I tapped my foot and glance at the menu

"This is killing me Anya!" I whispered as loud as I can

"Can I take your order?" A tall guy asked suddenly

"Just a ice tea for me please" she says smiling sweetly

"Black coffee for me. Thanks" I say dryly not liking her avoiding my gaze by smiling at our waiter

"Coming right up. Anything else?"

"Just the tea and coffee thanks" I repeated irritated by his presence still at our table

He nodded once and collected our menus before walking away and I see her big green eyes starting at me. I know I was rude but I need to know what or who was stupid enough to upset my Anya.

"Please just tell me what happened so I can schedule a ass whooping after my weekly progress meeting" I said jokingly but having full intent on rearranging the organs of whoever upset her.

"Please. You know I don't need you to whoop ass for me. Besides I've kicked your ass plenty of times so you should call me to help you" she said laughing loudly at her own joke.

"I let you win and you know it sunshine" I said joining in the laughter and feeling a bit more optimistic about the news I was about to receive

"Here's your drinks" the waiter said placing down her peach ice tea and my coffee on the table. Damnit, the one lousy waiter in the city who's actually good at his job.

"Thank you" she says as he pours her tea into her glass and walks away


She takes a sip of her tea before taking a deep breath and crossing her fingers around her glass

"I'm sick Demitri" the words escaped her mouth in a whisper. So low I almost don't believe I heard it.

A/N Hi guys, so this is my first story and I'm so excited to finally get it out. If you liked this first chapter please vote and leave a comment and let me know what you think.
Thank you so much for reading! 💜💜💜

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