We are Broken, and are Breaking

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A/N -- So I've decided to make this one chapter from Gabe's point of view.  Riskyyy.  I might delete it later, so hurry up and read it!!  I mean, you're probably sick of hearing Eva whine, so why not shake it up a little??  Changed the cover, and a couple of people in the cast.  Younger Gabe is played by... Jared Gillmore, and our leading lady is -drum roll please- Joss Stone!!  I've finally found the people that fit the picture in my head perfectly.




Gabe's POV

I love mind games.  When you've been stuck in a prison as long as I have, life really loses its -- luster shall we say?  It's hard to find something entertaining.  And this lovely blonde walking beside me is entertainment.  Enough to last for centuries. 

The question is, how exactly is the best way to break her up from that pitiful thing called Jackson, that she seems to love?  Love?  Psh.  What they have is more like puppy love.  They'll grow up, realize that what they have is nothing, and all that will come of it is wasted years and heartbreak.

That's much too messy for my tastes.  Being committed is a thing of the past.  Gone.  Good riddance.

We exit the doorway, and begin walking down another hallway.  Cliché, I know.

I'm looking at Eva walking next to me, and as much as regular humans disgust me, she's...different.  It takes guts to survive for this long in this house.  She gets some credit.  I wonder what she sees in Jackson, and where she has found this drive to live? 

Reaching my hand out, I grab hers and give it comforting squeeze.  She looks at me with surprise on her face, and I just shrug my shoulders.  "Don't like it, princess?"

Eva turned and I hear her trying to breathe slowly as to not cry,  Damn.  That's what Jackson called her.  How could I forget?

"Sorry, I forgot," I whisper.

She manages a small smile, and says, "It's fine.  You weren't trying to be mean."  I think I sorta like it when she smiles.  It's cute.  What the hell?  Where's your brain, Gabe?  Get back in reality. 

Then I hear it.

Footsteps.  Jane's.  They aren't behind us -- I know that.  They're... going towards... She's going to check on Benjamin.  She always does at this time, and I can't believe I forgot this again.  She cannot see that Eva is back.

Shit.  Shit, shit, shit, shit.  I picture a doorway, and picking up Eva, I rush over, and picture the wall back together again. 

I look around, and make sure we were in my hiding place again.  Thank God.  I breathe in a sigh.



"Would you please be so kind, and to put me back down?" I hear through her teeth.

"Oh.  Yeah.  Sorry."  Gently setting her down, I notice she has an incredibly angry look on her face, so I calmly explained, "Jane was coming.  Now, it doesn't matter whether or not I'm found, but you won't be as lucky, should she see you."

"She was coming?  I didn't hear anything."

I just nod.  "Trust me."

She laughs, "I don't really have much reason to trust you."

"Well considering I just saved your life, if I were you, I'd be grateful."

"But you're not me."

"Fine.  Then next time I'll leave you to Jane and James."

Silence fills the room for a few minutes, until I hear her soft and quiet voice say, "Thank you."

Instead of acknowledging her, I say, "We need a plan."

"Well, I don't know how this house works.  You do."

"I've spent a long time plotting my escape.  I think I've got an idea," I scoot my chair in closer. 

She looks at me expectantly, and I can't help but think she makes sarcasm...nice, "Well?"

"Jackson has two days before he-- decomposes.  We've been hiding for a day and a half now.  So I'd say we have about twelve hours left."

"We've haven't been talking that long."

"Time is funny here.  You'll get used to it."

She nods, and I continue, "I'm thinking I can get him.  You need to get by the front door, and be ready to leave."

"Can't I just picture a-"

"Doesn't work.  I tried that.  There is only one real entrance."

"I came in through the window."

I freeze.  Amidst my complete suprise, I manage to sputter, "What??"

"Iiii.  Gooot.  Iiinn.  Thrrroouugghhh.  Thee.  Wiiindooww," She says slowly.

This isn't possible.  It doesn't say anything in the Grimoire about this.

"What about Fiona?"

"What about, what?"

"Fiona.  Don't you remember?"

Oh.  That stupid cat. "Yes, I remember that cat.  What about her?"

"Well, aren't we taking her?"

"You want to save a cat?  Only a girl would say that," I laughed.

Embarrassment flits across her face, and I look down. 

I carefully, ever so carefully stick my hand out, and touch her shoulder.  A tear drips from her blue eyes and falls on the floor.  I move my chair over, and wrap my arms around her.  I may not be Jackson, but I can try.

"I'm an idiot.  I'm sorry."  I can only listen to her cry.  I know that she's not crying from me, but the stress.  I know that she was free, and she came back to save that pig.  I have been in this house so long, I've almost lost track of time, and she is the first one to come in through here, and keep her sanity.

I guess I'll never know why.  I rock her back and forth, and say, "Shhh.  It's ok," while I stroke her hair.  I hope that this is what you're supposed to do, because I'm not really a caring person.  I can't help thinking, that we are possibly going to die, or worse, and that doesn't really scare me.  The thing that terrifies me, is I don't want to let go.

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