The Girl Next Door: Roc Royal &&.YN

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I put on my green running suit and headed out the door with my iPhone, earplugs, pepper spray, and keys.

Roc Royals P.O.V

I quickly grabbed some basketball shorts, a pair of elites , and a pair of running shoes. It is 7 AM and I am not a morning person. The new girl Yn moved in a week or two ago and I just wanted to get to know her better. She came over for dinner when she first moved over here because my mom wanted to "welcome her to the neighborhood," Yn is really pretty and she's a really nice girl. During dinner I had called Ray and asked him what I should say or do, since he was the player of the group. He told me to flirt, but whenever I tried to she just mad blushed and looked away. But first I have to go get her, she just left.


Yn is fast as hell. Like for real for real! I have been trying to catch up with her for like 20 minutes!

"Yn! Yn! Wait!" I yelled while wrapping my arms around her waist until she pulls out a neon green bottle and sprays me.

"OMG I'm so sorry! That was a complete accident ! I didn't mean for any of that to happen!" She cried, trying to hold in her laugh. Before I could think about what I was doing, tears started streaming down my face. "Oh my gosh are you crying?"

"Naw, it's just.. Uhm the pepper spray, that's all," I said to her. "I called your name a whole bunch of times! I just now caught up to you!"

"I'm so sorry! You scared me!" She screamed.

"I would rather you do that than to pepper spray my eyes! " I laughed while rubbing my eyes. "Man, they still hurt."

"Here, uhm, let me help you? "Yn asked cautiously, her eyes full of worry. She took two full steps towards me and opened my eye with her thumb and index finger. Then she did something I least expected her to do and blew her cool mint breath into my eye. The pain slowly but surely went away as she continued the process.

"Thanks," I said. Her cheeks instantly flamed as she pulled away.

"Uhm,, I should get going," She said while looking at the ground.

"You sure?"

"Yeah, I have about two more miles to run," She smiles nervously, her gaze never leaving the ground.

"Why not skip your two miles and let me get to know you better? " I said in a joking matter laughing at my corniness.

"Roc, I have a boyfriend..." She said fidgeting with her nails.

"What? Who?" I came off more angry than curious. I didn't want her to think I was crazy or anything so I quickly covered it up. "I mean, I was just wondering you know."

"Look, uhm, this might sound really bad, but it's Ray," She barely whispered.

"Ray?* I squeaked. "My cousin, Ray?"

"Yeah, we've been dating for about a week now."

"But you just moved here like 3 weeks ago,"

"We got very close, fast... But what's the big deal? I hope we can still be friends? I know that dating your cousin might be a little weird, but it's okay we can still hang out. Some people think that once we start dating, I'll start ditching my friends , but don't worry I'm not that kind of girl," She smiled.

"It's fine.. Look, I'll catch up with you, uhm, Bye Yn," I said as I turned on my heel and stroll the opposite way. I heard Yn call my name but I just kept walking. I wasn't necessarily mad at Yn but I was mad at Ray. He knew I liked Yn. When I asked for his advice, I didn't tell him I was crushing on Yn, but soon after I did. Ray doesn't love girls and all he is going to do is break her heart, and that is something I don't want to happen. Especially to Yn.

Authors Note

So this was just sort of an introduction. Hope you guys like , COMMENT , share , VOTE , etc.,,,

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