Chapter 6

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C H A P T E R 6
❝ Did I just growl? ❞


"Family fun night!" My mom squealed with a grin on her face, earning a groan from both me and Hale.

Hale was my older brother, a sophomore in college. He always had this look that confirmed that he was ready to kill anyone who'd ruin his peace.

Taking out a single earbud from his left ear, he whined. "Mom, do we have to do this? I literally just came back home from the university."

"More of a reason to celebrate! We haven't seen you in months, Hale!" She retorted, rolling her eyes—yep, that's where I got my habit—but her smile stayed in place, giddy of her son's return.

"Mom, you're doing it again," I croaked, my voice still hoarse since I hadn't done anything but sleep since yesterday when I had played a "game" with my RPD.

"Doing what?" She batted her eyelashes innocently, her smile daring me to convict her.

"You're exaggerating again," I said, ignoring the threats she had sent me with her grin. I was rewarded with a glare from her. "You do know that we saw Hale like, a week ago?"

My mom's eyelids fluttered in annoyance. "Well, whether you all like it or not, you're all coming with me."

More groans.

"For goodness sake! Hurry! In the car!" She pushed us in to the backseat of our BMW, cramping us in at the same time.

"Mom!" I yelled in protest as I was shoved in, tempted to yell "stranger danger" just go get away from my mom.

She ignored my complaints and continued to push the both us in.

Smack. I fell into my seat face first. Thanks mom.

But choosing to ignore that as well, my insane mother only hummed and got into the driver's seat. "Off we go!"

Ugh. Tonight's going to be so. Much. Fun.


Help me.

We were at restaurant—no duh—but I had no idea what the name of the restaurant was because I had no time to look at the sign when my mom had literally dragged me and Hale into the store with the speed of light so that we won't run away.

I was in some sort of Chinese restaurant, but the only signs inside the building were in Chinese, so no help there.

My mother was currently at the buffet, taking every single food there, trying to fit it all into one dish so that she doesn't have to go again.

Hale was busy listening to music, so that had left me with only one choice: to use my reading project distraction as a family night distraction.

Lmao, what happened? Did you just find a piece of chocolate chip in your cookies and cream ice cream, Ms. Idiot?

I rolled my eyes for the gazillionth time today.

Fortunately, no. That would've been absolutely horrifying. But I guess what's happening right now rivals the horrors of such thing happening.

Well, what is this "horror" you're experiencing at the moment?

I looked around to make sure that my mom wasn't around.

I've been dragged into an unknown Chinese restaurant for "family fun" when the only person having "fun" is my lunatic mom.

I was replied to with a laughing emoji.

This is not funny! I'm not even kidding when I say mom is insane.


NUU, DON'T LEAVE ME! I was seriously desperate for some kind of communication or socialization.

Ha, well being the kind, caring, benevolent person I am, I won't leave you... Yet *smirks*

I hate you .-.

Love you too ;)))

Ha! A triple chin, I see! My fingers flew over the keyboard, typing down the two magic words when a pair of hands confiscated my phone.

A growl escaped my mouth.

Wait, did I just growl? What is wrong with me?

Shaking my head, I regained my calm and looked up with the most innocent look I could ever make, ready to plead my case and get my phone back to point out that triple chin.



2 new characters in this chapter :)
Through this note, I wanted to thank all of y'all for countless things! First, for 500+ views! Y'all are he best readers an anuthor could ever wish for!
Second, like mentioned before, I've had so many people add this book to their reading list, and it makes me feel so happy and proud!
Finally, special thanks to the following 5 people who nominated 'Within the Pages' for the Undiscovered category. Your nominations mean a whole world to me!
Also, thanks to SystemGlitch for nominating this book for Teen Fiction.
Remember, the nominations are still up, and you can always nominate this book to prove how much you're enjoying it ;)
Thanks for reading!

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