Chapter 2

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C H A P T E R 2
❝ Reading Project Distraction. ❞


My reading assignment long-forgotten, I tapped in the 11 digits that were written on the last page of my library book, Moby Dick.

"281-4862-9983." I read out the numbers to myself while typing it down in my contacts.

The number was "unknown", and my phone offered me an option to add the number to my contacts.

I shrugged. Sure. My finger lightly brushed the "add to contacts" text and filled in the information required for the contacts.

"Name?" I asked to myself. I don't even know if this person exists or not! But a name was required, so...

'Reading Project Distraction', I type with a proud smile. Very creative, I know.

After the contact was added to my list, I tapped on the icon that brought me to the message menu. My fingers stayed frozen above the screen. Was I actually going to text a random person who might not even exist?

I got nothing better to do with my life anyways. I rolled my eyes and started texting.

You do know that writing your number in a library book is really dumb, right?

It wasn't really a greeting, I guess, but I just seriously wanted to tell the person that what he/she did was idiotic. Yes, I'm very kind.

I pressed send and waited to see if the text would go through or not.

A familiar chime sounded, informing me that the text was sent to the anonymous person.

Ping! A clear ringtone alarmed, indicating that I had just received a text message.

Already? It couldn't be the person, could it? 

My heart thumping with new found excitement, I went to my notifications.

My beating organ took a leap as I saw the description to the most recent notification: A new message from Reading Project Distraction.

I bit my lip, smiling to myself. As dumb as it sound, I was actually looking forward to a text from an unknown person.

I rolled my eyes at myself then tapped on the notification. I was directed to the message screen. There, a text was waiting to be read.

And you do know that texting a random number you found in a library book is really dumb, right? I could be a drug dealer, you know.

I giggled as I realized that this person had played my words against me.

Well, are you?



The second chapter!
I hope y'all liked it, and sorry for such a short chapter :(
Until the next chapter ♡

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