° chapter nine °

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“We are in an elevator.”


“We are stuck in an elevator.”

“Again, you’re correct.”

“I’m claustrophobic.”

“Uh …”


It wasn’t every day Avalon had to face her biggest fears. Every day she would tell herself she’d get to it tomorrow. But the thing about tomorrow is that “tomorrow” is never really specified as which tomorrow so she decided she would chose a different tomorrow to face her fears.

This just happened to be that tomorrow.

Avalon had never been one to hate Mondays. She’d actually quite enjoyed school. Almost, to the point, that if she felt one day that she didn’t want to attend then she didn’t have to considering she was usually ahead in her school work. Her job was no different. She liked her job.

But this Monday was proving to be the reason Mondays were hated so much and Avalon wanted to throw up.

“Okay,” Luke said calmly, shooting Avalon a somewhat worried look as he pulled out his phone, “Let me just call Calum. I’m sure he can fix this.”

“This is a nice building!” Avalon cried, starting to feel hot, “We should not be stuck in an elevator! Elevators don’t just stop working!”

“Hey,” Luke grabbed her shoulders and turned her so she was facing his beautiful blue eyes, “Look, let’s go over the pros and cons here, shall we? First of all, we’re only on the bottom floor so there’s no way the elevator could make us plummet to our death.”


“That’s a good thing!” Luke chuckled, “Second, my best friend is the head technician here and he’s already on his way. So don’t sweat it short stuff. Our hero is on the way.”

“But –”

“Cons,” Luke said holding up a finger telling her to let him finish, “Considering my best friend is the head technician and he’s already on his way that means that I hardly get to spend any time alone with you because for some reason Harry Styles will have my throat if he sees that I’m stalling work to talk to you.”

“How do you –”

“Another con is that we even had to cut our little lunch date short because Harry was being particularly annoying and needed some extra articles filed. Which, might I add, isn’t my fucking job so I don’t know why he’s making me do it. Just because he works through the lunch hour does not mean –”

“Luke?” Avalon asked quietly, “You aren’t helping.”

“Right,” Luke sighed, “Sorry.”

“No it’s fine. Your rambling is kind of cute.”

In the dim light of the elevator Avalon could just make out a soft blush appearing on Luke’s cheeks. He looked away and scratched the back of his neck, discreetly biting his lip before looking back to Avalon. “I’m looking forward to coffee after work.”

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