Chapter Twenty One - LoDo

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I spent all night reading the case file, getting ready for my new role. I finally fell asleep around 3 a.m. but I woke up again at 7 a.m., feeling not rested in the least. I dressed a little warmer today in worn jeans and a warm knit cardigan over my teal t-shirt.

After cleaning up in the bathroom, I quietly pad downstairs and walk toward the kitchen. Karmen is standing in front of the coffee machine with an empty cup, waiting for the drip to finish. Her dark curls are scattered around her head in a sleepy disarray and she's comfortably dressed in dark yoga pants and a gray hooded sweatshirt.

"Good morning." I say softly, not wanting startle her. She turn around and gives me a bright smile.

"Morning, Rebbie," She greets me."Coffee?" She offers and I smile and nod. She reaches up the cabinet and pulls down an extra cup. After the coffee is ready she pours us each a cup and directs me to the cream and sugar before sitting down at the breakfast bar. After flavoring my own coffee I join her.

"Can you tell me where some good clothing shops are?" I ask her after a few minutes. "I should get some clothes, I didn't pack much."

"Sure," she grins. "LoDo has some great little boutiques. I'll send you with Rachel today, she's our resident shopper. She'll make sure to stock up your wardrobe with everything you need."


"No problem. You can let me know if there is anything else we can help you with... which reminds me. I need your cell number." She says as she pulls out her phone from her front hoodie pocket. I think back to the cell phone I left back in the bed side table of my little bungalow, in Tucson, so the guys couldn't track me here.

"'s broken. I'll need to get another while I'm out today." I tell her.

"No need. You can use one of our spares." She tells me, waving me off and quickly types out a text message on her phone before sliding it back into her pocket. "Did you read over the case file?" She asks.

"Yeah, I read it all last night." I tell her. "We collect them tomorrow night?"

"Yeah, our sister sect in Boulder will be standing by. The women's new identities should be all set. Once we get them out, we'll double back to lead anyone following us off their scent." Karmen summarizes the mission. I read all of this in the file but it's always good to have it repeated. Kat and Karmen are on protection detail while Rachel and I act as body doubles for our victims and back-up protection.

I hear footsteps and look back to the kitchen door as Yuki walks through. Her long raven-black hair is pin straight and contrasts strikingly off her powder-blue top. She approaches and places a new smartphone on the counter.

"For you," she tells me with a soft voice. "All family numbers and emergency apps are already loaded."

So that's what Karmen must have been texting for.

"Thank you." I tell her with a quick nod of my head and slip the phone into my pocket. She smiles and then walks over to the kitchen counter and starts to make herself some tea. Rachel bounds into the room with a bright smile on her face.

"Hey, Rebbie! I hear I get to take you shopping today!" She beams.

Oh, wow. How can someone so small have so much energy?

"Yeah," I reply with a smile. "I'd appreciate your help since I didn't bring much with me. Just a few things a little less sonoran desert chic."

"No problem. I know just the place."

x X x

Rachel and I take her Jeep to Lower Downtown Denver, also known as LoDo. She parks in a public lot and we walk together to the boutique she's picked called, Blush.

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