Chapter Eight - Babysitting

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Sam found us a few more compound bows and we spent the afternoon alternating between archery and firearms. When the sun started to reach for the horizon we decided to call it a day.

"Thank you for having us." I tell Sam.

"My pleasure, little bird." He wraps one arm around my shoulders and gives a small affectionate squeeze. "You all can come out anytime. Travis has my number." He tells me. Releasing me, Sam turns to Travis and they give each other manly back slaps and friendly smile, exchanging pleasantries while the rest of us file back toward the cars.

"Did you have fun today?" Carlos asks me.

"Yeah, Family Day was fun. Thanks for letting me tag along guys." I tell them with a smile.

"You're part of our family too, Rebbie." Eddie tells me. His eyes are soft with sincerity and it melts my heart a little. The others murmur agreements to his statement and I don't know what to say back to that, I haven't had a family for years and I don't think I know how to be a part of one anymore. I swallow back a small lump in my throat and suddenly find my boots extremely interesting. I hear the crunch of gravel and I welcome the distraction and look up. Travis walks up to us tapping at his cell phone and then slips it into his pocket. His eyes find mine before he speaks.

"Rebbie. You up for a little assignment tonight?" Travis asks me.

"Sure boss, what's up?" I ask.

x X x

I'm in the SUV with the twins, parked a few houses down from our assignment. Apparently an Academy member's cousin just left her abusive husband. The Academy found her a safe house to stay in Rio Rico but they want some members to make sure the husband doesn't track her down. It's mostly babysitting with a possibility of rescue. The Academy thought a bird would be less threatening if we had to go in and pull her out, she might not trust the guys with her history, and I was the closest bird to the safe house so here we are. The others, Travis, Carlos and Eddie, went back to the apartment to check the audio feeds from the wire we placed on Harris's office phone. Vega was supposed to be out of town the next few days but they wanted to check the feeds in case he called Harris to check in while he was away.

"Do you have any eights?" I ask.

"Go fish." Michael tells me and I pull a new card. Oo, yes! I needed that jack.

"Do you have any fours?" Michael asks and I grumble while I hand him my card.

This is our fourth game of Go Fish. Matt is taking a nap in the back seat while Michael and I are up front, watching for the husband. It's a quiet neighborhood, no cars have passed in the last two hours and we're hoping it stays that way. After Michael takes my queen on his next turn he wins the game and we put the cards away for now.

"I have an idea." Michael says, "Let's play Twenty Questions but the answers have be something about yourself that I don't know. Like your favorite foods or a specific childhood pet or something."

"Okay, I'll guess first." I agree. He nods, ready with his answer. "Are you a food?" I ask.


"A person?"


"An object?"


"Are you a toy?" I ask, he thinks for a moment and then nods.

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