Chapter Eighteen - Y.O.L.O.

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I'm putting the final touches on my makeup. Nothing too dramatic, just some smokey eyes. After fixing a fly-away hair in my braided up-do, I quickly check the time.

7:45pm. My Über should be here any moment.

Just as I complete the thought, my phone chimes telling me the driver is here. I grab my clutch purse and scratch Oscar on top of his head as I pass by him laying on the back of the sofa. Locking my front door behind me, I quickly walk down the path to the curb and climb into the waiting sedan. I recall the last time I left my house to meet my Academy team at a club. At least this time I want to go and I'm not dreading the rest of the night.

Michael texted me earlier and left me know what club to meet everyone at, some new club in the foothills named YOLO. Eddie followed through with his promise and booked us a private booth. I just needed to give my name at the door and security would direct me where to go.

Pulling up outside of the club, I see the line outside is already pretty impressive. Girls wearing short and glittery get-ups with sky high heels. I looked fairly plain compared to them in my black silk romper and stilettos. The only thing that glitters in my outfit are my accessories.

I walk up to the door where a bouncer stands under a sign that says "VIP". I give him my winning-est smile and present my ID. He checks it for authenticity and then checks his list for my name. After a brief nod he hands my ID back and un-clips the velvet rope, directing me past. A few girls waiting in line shoot me glares as I pass but I just smile in return and continue inside. A second security guard escorts me to the VIP rooms and he tells me I'm in room 2. I walk ahead and reach my room spotting my guys sitting around a rounded table on low cozy couches.

"Hiya, boys!" I announce my arrival. "I hear this is a celebration! Where's the shots?" They all shout out greetings at the same time, everyone is all smiles. Matt seems to have already have a few drinks under his belt judging by the two empty glasses in front of him and the half empty cup in his hand. Travis jumps up and wraps an arm around my shoulders, pulling me against him. I press a hand against his firm chest to keep me from falling over. Turning to face the others, Travis raises his tumbler in a toast.

"Team! Tonight we celebrate the successful completion of our assignment with our kick-ass bird, Rebbie." Travis calls out. The guys all shout back their agreements. "We couldn't have done it without you, Rebbie. I hope we get to work together for a long, long time." The guys all raise their glasses and drink. Travis pulls me close and presses his mouth to my ear, murmuring so only I can hear.

"Save me a dance tonight, beautiful." I feel chills run over my body as his warm breath blows across my ear. My mouth goes dry and head goes fuzzy. I simply nod back, having lost my ability to speak. Travis grins down at me before backing up, he lets his hand slowly brush down across my back before completely releasing me and allowing my clouded lusty thoughts to clear.

Carlos comes up next, holding out a shot glass for me. I take it quickly, grateful for the distraction, and shoot it back fast, letting the alcohol burn and warm down my body. I raise my glass in the air and slowly blow the burn out of my throat with a celebratory 'Whoo!'

Let the celebration begin!

x X x

We rotate between our VIP room and the dance floor. I've been dancing with all the guys and they've been keeping the creeps away from me, just like they promised. Right now I'm dancing between Travis and Carlos. Travis is a surprisingly good dancer but I should have guessed that with the way he always holds himself and controls his body with absolute precision. Travis signals to me that's he's heading back to get something to drink and I nod.

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