Chapter Eleven - The Party

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~Five Years Earlier~

I adjusted my top, bringing the neckline lower, and smoothed out the invisible wrinkles in my mini skirt and trying to brush away those lingering flutters of nervousness.

Tonight was the night, I was going to finally make my move.

I've liked Rocky since I first saw him two years ago but he wasn't into Freshmen girls. I was a Junior now and there was no reason why Rocky wouldn't be into me. I was a cheerleader, I was popular and everyone always told me how pretty I was. Rocky was the football team's quarterback and I knew he only dated cheerleaders, he had an on going casual thing with my squad-mate Jade but I knew she was after some other guy, a new player on the team, she's been talking about him for weeks so with any luck she'd be distracted at the party tonight and away from Rocky.

I moved into the living room on the house where the party was being held. The entire team was here tonight as well as the cheerleaders and all their friends. I spotted Rocky holding court on the living room suite, Rocky sat in a cushioned high back chair and his best friend and teammate, Jay, sat near by on the couch as Rocky joked and chatted with the varsity players. I saw Jade was in the kitchen getting a drink when I passed by so this was my chance. I approached the couch with a little extra sway in my hips and flipped my long blonde hair over my shoulder. Walking behind the chair I extended my arm and trailed my fingertips across Rocky's shoulders and neck, getting his attention. He turned his head and looked up at me, I winked and smiled at him when his face broke out with a smirk. He reached up and took my hand.

"Hey there, doll face. Why don't you come sit with Rocky for a while?" Rocky said with a pat to his lap. I nodded and circled around to the front of the chair and perched on his knee. Jay rolled his eyes but said nothing as Rocky wrapped one arm around my waist and trailed his other hand over my exposed thighs.

Yes! Tonight was the night.

. o O o .

I spent the next few hours in that same spot. Rocky would take a break from talking to his friends and started kissing my neck until I finally turned my head and locked my lips onto his. We made out, right there in the living room, for what felt like hours. I could feel his erection pressing against my ass and I loved that I effected him that way.

He is so into me. Jade, who? I'm sure he's never going to see her again after tonight.

He pats my leg and breaks our kiss and I mew and pout, Rocky just grins.

"Hold that thought and hop up real quick, doll face. Rocky's gotta take a leak." He tells me. I giggle and climb out of his lap. He stands and adjusts himself in his jeans. He pecks my lips one more time and smacks me playfully on the butt. "Be right back." I sit back in his chair to wait for him and then spot a familiar face next to me. Jade glares at me slightly in annoyance.

"What do you think you are doing, Rebbie?" Jade asks me.

"What do you mean? You and Rocky were never serious... besides, I thought you were into that new guy." I point out. Jade shrugs and sips out of her red plastic cup.

"I am." She says, "He's still being coy. Says he's not interested, but he'll come around."

"Then what's the problem?" I ask, confused. Jade shrugs again and flips her long dark hair over her shoulder.

"You just surprised me." She says, "Didn't know you had it in you. You really think you can handle Rocky?" she rises her eyebrow at me.

"Yeah." I tell her. "Why wouldn't I?" I ask. She just smiles and shrugs again and then smiles sweetly and changes the subject.

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