Chapter Four - Boot Camp

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I push my heavy suitcase toward my entryway. Oscar is sitting in a window sill watching me in amusement as I struggle with my bags. Does he offer any assistance? Of course not. Selfish cat.

I give one last look around, making sure I grabbed everything I think I might need. I'm essentially moving into a new apartment for the duration of this mission. Miranda will be by later to make sure Oscar the Grouch gets his food and make sure he doesn't destroy my house. After I've made sure I got everything I need, I check out the window for the guys. The twins are driving me down to Nogales, the others are already down there working.

I see a black SUV pull up outside my house so I slip on my aviators and open the front door to push my bags out. I see one of the twins jump out of the car and run up to me with a grin on his face. When he gets closer I notice the tiny bump on his nose, it's Matt.

"Hey there, birdie. All set?" Matt asks. I nod and make a grab for my bag but before I can get it Matt has picked it up and is trotting back toward the car. I follow after locking my house door and when I reach the car Michael jumps out of the driver's seat, taking my second smaller bag and joins his brother at the rear hatch to load it. Michael comes back around and smiles at me before he opens my door and helps me in. It's been a long while since I've had doors opened and bags carried for me, I don't suppose they call it Southern manners without reason. The rest of the country doesn't usually follow by those old rules of etiquette, present company excluded.

"Hello, Rebbie." Michael smiles kindly at me through the rear view mirror.

"Good morning, Michael." I reply. Matt climbs into the front passenger seat so I greet him as well. "Good morning, Matt." He beams back at me.

"You can tell us apart?" Matt asks curiously. I grin and point to the bridge of my nose and then to him.

"Did you break it?" I ask. Matt's face falls and Michael just bursts out laughing. Matt shoves his brother's shoulder.

"Shuddup man! It's your fault!" Matt pouts. I chuckle a little.

"It's honestly not that noticeable." I try to reassure him, "I barely caught it and only because I was looking for something to set you two apart." I point to myself, "Academy girl, remember? It's my job to be observant." Matt only looks mildly comforted.

"Having a twin works in our favor in some of our missions." Michael tells me. "Two years ago I accidentally broke his nose in a training exercise. He's still mad a me." I chuckle and reach out to pat Matt's shoulder.

"Honestly, I barely caught it. I thought it was my eyes playing tricks on me at first. You have nothing to worry about." Matt grumbles something unintelligible under his breath and I stifle my giggle. "Seriously. Totally identical. Which one were you again?" I try and fail to hold back my grin when Matt shoots me a glare. Michael chokes back a laugh and swiftly changes the subject.

"You place is nice, Rebbie!" Michael exclaims as he pulls away from the curb.

"Thank you. I've loved the look of these little bungalows since I moved here, I bought mine last year." I answer.

"When did you move to Tucson?" Matt asks. I hesitate a moment before answering.

"Five years ago." I answer. "I've been with the Academy for four years now." I continue, hoping to redirect the conversation.

"Did you have McKinzie at boot camp?" Michael asks, taking the bait. I nod my head.

"Yeah, that man is intense but he sure knows his stuff." I answer. Michael merges with the interstate traffic, heading south on I-19. I watch the scenery pass by as the twins recall some of their favorite boot camp stories, laughing and groaning with each story.

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