Chapter Two

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When I got home from school that night, I had a dream about Robbie. I had only known him for a day and yet I felt like I'd known him for a lifetime.
*In the dream*
Robbie and I were in a forest together. Talking and laughing. The sun was shining and it was so beautiful. "Paige, I know that we've only known each other for a short time but I feel so close to you. I really like you. Robbie said. I blushed and said, "I like you too Robbie." He leaned in and gently kissed me. I woke up from the dream and I couldn't believe that I had dreamt about Robbie and we kissed!

I immediately got up and got ready to go to school. Today was a day I couldn't wait to start. I picked out my favorite outfit, which was my Serena outfit from Pokemon. The outfit that made me feel beautiful.

I couldn't wait to see Robbie! My heart was beating out of my chest as I drove to school

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I couldn't wait to see Robbie! My heart was beating out of my chest as I drove to school. I hoped that he would be there and he would want to see me. The smile on my face was so big. I haven't smiled in forever and Robbie was the reason for my smile. I parked my car in the school parking lot and walked into school. My smile got even bigger when I saw who was standing by the door, Robbie! He smiled at me and offered me his arm.
"Good morning, Paige. You look beautiful this morning." I blushed and said,"Thank you, Robbie. You're very kind. No one has ever said that to me. Not even my own family." Robbie frowned. "They should, you're a beautiful girl and you deserve to be told over and over again." I hugged him. "Let's get to math. We don't want Mrs. Vacanti to be upset if we're late." I said. Robbie and I walked arm in arm to class. When we got to class, Mrs. Vacanti was at her desk doing paperwork. Robbie and I sat in the front of the class just like yesterday and he pulled out my chair for me. I thought, "Robbie is such a gentleman."
When Mrs. Vacanti looked up from her paperwork, she smiled at us. "Hi Paige. Hi Robbie. How are you today?" I smiled, "I'm fine thank you, Mrs. Vacanti." "I'm doing great today. Seeing as I have a beautiful girl sitting beside me." Robbie said. I blushed at his response. Mrs. Vacanti smiled and said, "Aww, Robbie that's so sweet. You must really like Paige." He smiled and nodded.

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Mrs. Vacanti thought that Robbie liked me. It couldn't be true. Robbie was just being nice to me because he was new here and he didn't know what a loser I was. The bad thoughts entered my mind again. Robbie put his hand on my arm and looked at me with concerned eyes. I mouthed to him "I'm fine." He looked unconvinced and was about to speak but class started. Robbie intertwined our fingers and gently squeezed my hand.

After class, I got out of my seat and Robbie was about to follow me, when he said, "Paige, can you wait out in the hallway for me? I'll just be a minute." I stepped out of the room and thought "I wonder why Robbie asked me to step out of the room?"  "Are you ready to go to history, Paige?" He said. I smiled at Robbie and nodded. He offered me his arm again, which I happily took. Before I knew it, the day was over and I was upset because I had to leave Robbie again. When I got home, I was greeted by a beautiful surprise on my front porch. A beautiful bouquet of red and white roses with a card was placed by the door.

 I picked up the roses and the card and it read,"To the most beautiful girl I've ever met

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I picked up the roses and the card and it read,
"To the most beautiful girl I've ever met. I know we've only known each other for a short time but you've captured my heart with your beauty and loving personality. I hope you like the roses and I can't wait to see you tomorrow.
Love, Robbie.

I smiled and blushed after reading the card. I smelled the roses and they smelled delightful. I put them in a vase and thought, "I can't wait to see Robbie tomorrow."

Hey everyone! Here's another chapter for you :) I hope you enjoy it! Let me know♥

Paige and Robbie: True Love ForeverWhere stories live. Discover now