Chapter One

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Hi my name is Paige Pangrazio. All my life, all I've ever dreamed of is finding someone who will love me forever and a happy ending. Over the years, I've lost hope. Who would ever love me? A girl whose not beautiful like her friends, has no confidence in herself and wears no makeup?

I woke up and sunshine was peeking through my window.  I thought, "Great another day of going to school and being looked at as nothing."  I got up and went to my closet to pick out what I was going to wear. I chose a simple white shirt and jeans. After getting dressed, I looked in the mirror and didn't like what I saw.

Again I thought, "Who could ever love me?"  I put on my red leather jacket, walked out the door and locked it. I drove to school, hoping that something good would happen. I knew nothing would, but a girl can dream.

I pulled into my school's parking lot and parked my car. I walk into school and headed towards my locker with thoughts of how the day might go in my head. I was so deep in thought that I didn't realize that I bumped into someone.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry." I said to the boy who I bumped into. He had brown hair and deep green eyes. "It's ok, don't worry about it." He says in a British accent. "He must be new, I've never seen him before."  I thought.

He smiles at me and extends his hand. "I'm Robbie." "Paige" I say, introducing myself.

"Hey, do you think you could walk me to my first class? I'm new here and don't know my way around yet." Robbie asked, polity. I nodded, "Sure, what's your first class?" He took his schedule out of his backpack and headed it to me.

It read, "Math with Mrs. Vacanti."  After looking over the schedule, I handed it back to Robbie. "I have that same class first too." He smiled, "Great, will you sit with me?" I nodded and we walked to class. When we got there, Robbie and I sat down in the front of the room. Mrs. Vancanti was organizing papers on her desk when she looked up and noticed Robbie and I sitting there.

She smiled, "Good morning Paige. Whose this handsome young man sitting next to you?" I blushed when she said that. "Hi, I'm Robbie Kay ma'am." "It's nice to meet you, Robbie.  I'm sure you'll feel at home here in one time.  Especially since you have Paige to help you. She's such a sweetheart and she's very caring." For the second time that day, I blushed. I looked over at Robbie and he had a smile on his face. I knew that Mrs. Vancanti only said those things about me to be nice. I knew what I was and no one could tell me otherwise.

Soon enough class started. I could finally listen to something besides my own thoughts. Math flew by, which I was thankful for, it was not my best subject. When the bell rang, Robbie and I walked out of class and headed to our next one. History with Mr. Cintorino. I took a look at his schedule and it seemed that Robbie and I had all of the same classes together. For some reason, that gave me butterflies.

Finally, it was the end of the day. It made me sad because I wanted to stay with Robbie. For the first time in a long time, I was feeling things that I hadn't felt in a long time. I felt beautiful and cared for. I felt like Robbie actually saw me and I wasn't invisible like I was to the rest of the world. We walked out to the parking lot together and Robbie walked me to my car.

"Well Paige, I had a wonderful day with you. I hope that I can spend tomorrow with you as well." Robbie said. I smiled and nodded in agreement. He took my hand and kissed the back of it. I was stunned. I watched Robbie walk away and then I got in my car and drove home. I had a smile on my face the whole time. When I got home, I signed and couldn't believe that for the first time in awhile; I actually felt good about myself. I couldn't wait to see what tomorrow would bring.

Hey everyone! I hop you enjoyed the first chapter! Comment and let me know. Chapter two will be coming up shortly. :)

Paige and Robbie: True Love ForeverWhere stories live. Discover now