Chapter Eighteen

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My mouth feel open as every conversation I had had with both of them replayed in my head. Father and son. I should have guessed it. Their faces are so similar... I marveled at how I had been so blind.

Apollo shook his head, tears filling his stunning eyes.

"I hate to ruin this family reunion..." The golden soldier drawled. "But. I believe you have something that belongs to the king. So, a trade. Your father, for Raven Willows."

My breathing hitched. No. Apollo wouldn't agree to it. He would have to watch his father be killed... I couldn't let that happen. I wouldn't let that happen.

I backed away from the window, and ran my fingers through my hair, still surprised when it stopped just above my shoulders. I needed to help them. I needed to save them. I wasn't the prophesied one for nothing.

I marched over to the shack door and went to pull it open. It wouldn't budge. I shook my head slowly, pulling with all my strength to try and get the door to open. When pulling failed, I began kicking it in attempt to break it down. It wouldn't move. It remained in my way, preventing me from leaving.

I darted back over to the window and looked out at my friends. Ray's chest was glowing blue. I shook my head. No. He was trapping me in here. He... he...

No. There had to be another way out. Another way to help.

Apollo spoke, drawing me back to current events. "No." He said steady and clear. "Raven Willows does not leave here."

William nodded once, pride written across his tan aged face. William... William had known who I was. He had known... he had protected me... I owed him.

"No?" The soldier asked, amusement and pleasure swirling in his eyes. "Then I suppose your father has no use for the king anymore... after all, any idiot can run his farm after we kill him."

"Answer me this," Ray called out, drawing everyone's attention to him. "How did you find us? From whom did you learn of Raven Willows?"

The soldier began laughing maniacally. "She has made quite a few enemies. One of them decided to aid the king's search for the growing light in the world. Darling dearest, won't you come show the scum who you are?"

A cackle erupted from behind the mass of soldiers. A hooded figure walked to the front of the line. When she removed her hood, we all were greeted with one beautiful grey eye, and a horrible smile.

The witch.

"Surprise, surprise, surprise! I win, I win, I win!" She squealed as she danced in place.

I felt my lunch rising as I again saw the face that plagued the darkness in each blink. I swallowed, trying to focus on the words being said outside. "Well, if your questions are over, I suppose the only thing left to do is kill you all and take the girl by force." The soldier said with a smile.

William looked at Apollo and nodded, Apollo returned the gesture then turned to Ray. Then, as one, the three dragons took a step forward, as one their gems light up blue. And as one, they brought hell down upon the kings men. As one, they smiled wickedly at the destruction they were causing.

The kings men screamed and retreated for the tree line. They didn't get far though, they were soon consumed by a bright blue light that pieced through their chests.

We were winning. We would all survive.

All at once the guards feel. The witch was left alone standing among our fallen foes. Her grey eye widened and her face turned pale. She began to back away slowly, but Apollo was a step ahead of her. He stopped her with a hand on her boney shoulder. "You will tell us everything you told the king, or your body will be among these men."

The witch growled, "Fine." She spit the word out like poison.

My friends began the walk back into the shack, the witch still held by Apollo.

The creek of the door opening sent chills up my arms. The witch was coming into our safe haven.

I turned my gaze to the wicked woman, she scowled at me, her ugly face turning red with anger.

I smirked at her, "Come back for more torment, did you beasty?" I purred. I threw all my concentration and control into acting calm and unfazed by her revolting face.

The witch tried to lunge for me, but was pulled back by Apollo. Ray stepped causally in between her and me. He was always looking out for me. He always had my back. I looked at him and gestured with my head for him to come closer.

Ray walked slowly over to me, "Yeah?"

I turned around so my back was facing everyone, Ray followed suit.

I glanced up at him, "You locked me in here."

Ray swallowed before answering, "Yes. I did."

"Why?" I said through gritted teeth.

He looked down at me and whispered, "To keep you safe. Raven, did you see how many men were out there? And their only task was to find you and take you."

I nodded, "I know what their task was... but I could have helped if you just-"

"No. Raven," He sighed. "I couldn't let you put your life in danger... because-"

"I know, I know." I snapped. "Because 'I'm the chosen one and I need kept safe'."

"No... that's not..." Ray sighed, "Raven, I..."

"Hey," Apollo called out to us, cutting Ray off. "Let's start the interrogation."

Ray's shoulders slumped in what seemed to be relief... and disappointment. I tilted my head up at him then called back to Apollo, "Be right there."

Ray swallowed, "Raven I... I can't let you put yourself in danger because... I care about you."

I smiled kindly at him, "Ray, I care about you guys too..."

"No." Ray said then cleared his throat, "I care... for you."

My blood froze... did he mean... was he saying... my cheeks heated.

Did Ray... like me?

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