Chapter Fourteen

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I closed my eyes and let my body slump, pretending to sleep might prolong my existence for a little longer.

A woman spoke, her voice like sandpaper against my skin. "Cooking, cooking, my favorite part of the day." The elderly woman began cackling as she walked over to a large cauldron hanging over a small fire.

My death bath.

That's when I realized where I was.

This was not just any cottage... this was a Witches Cottage. And I was supper. 

I heard her steps approaching me, I smelled her too. She smelled like seasoning and roasted pork. I cursed myself as I pulled more of the delicious smelling scent into my nose, I scolded myself after I realized thather last meal had likely not been a pig. "Still sleeping?" She yelled right by my ear. She chuckled again, "So skinny! You're just skin and bones! Good thing I can use both!" She cackled once more, the sound causing me to wince. I realized my mistake right after I did it. 

She knew I was awake now.

I opened my eyes to find her gruesome face smirking at me. She had lumps and bumps all over her face and arms. Warts and a pointed nose. Stringy gray hair that looked knotted and greasy. I felt queasy as I stared into her grey eyes... 

The last few hours came crashing into me then. That hadn't been a prince, it had been a trick. This foul beast before me must have placed some sort of wicked spell on me, for I had thought her eyes were beautiful when they were apart of a beautiful face. The witch and I stared at each other for a few seconds before she said, "Hello there."

I swallowed, "What do you want with me?"

She laughed, "I want to make soup with your bones, and noodles with your skin. Your hair will also have a use... I will use it to fill my pillows."

I retched all over the floor as I pictured heads inside her mattress. I retched more at the sound of her cackling at my sickness. I heaved all the contents of my stomach -which was not much- then, once that was gone, I was just throwing up bile. I spit out the last of it and leaned my head against the back of the cage. Sweat beaded the back of my neck, I went to wipe it off. As my hand reached up to move my hair out of the way I found it chopped off... chopped off so the ends were resting on my shoulders. I gasped as I felt for the locks that were no longer there.

I looked over at the witch and found her braiding long brown strands of my hair. She was humming a song to herself as she worked. I scowled at her. I needed a plan. I would not be consumed by this foul woman. I needed to escape.

I cleared my throat, drawing her attention to me. "Do you know what I am?"

The witch raised a grey eyebrow. "Other than a human who was in the wrong place at the wrong time?" She began cackling once more. It took all my concentration to not roll my eyes at the obnoxious sound.

"Actually, no. I'm not human."

This stopped her clucking. She stood up from the seat she had taken and walked over to me with confusion and curiosity written across her hideous face. "What are you then? You... you look human."

I snorted, the humor forced. "Obviously I look human, but... I'm surprised you haven't figured it out yet." I smirked at her. "Let me know when you give up."

The witch peered at me so intensely it took all my effort to not retch again. "Are you a mermaid?"

I snorted, "No."

"A Boggle?"

I shook my head, and fake yawned. A Boggle? I shoved my confusion into the back of my  mind and threw every ounce of energy into the facade I now kept up. Insanely bored and incredibly amused.

The witch growled then began pacing, she spewed off answers as fast as she could, "A Fairy? A Phoenix? A-a troll?"

I laughed, it sounded very close to the one she often used. "No, no, and definitely not."

She whined and pulled on her slimy hair as she thought. She muttered to herself as I sat in the cage and looked around for a key or something to help me get out of the mess I got myself into. I saw no key, but I did see a fork... if I was clever enough, I could use that to my advantage. However, it was not close enough to me for me to grab it though the bars. I sighed at the thought of escape fading by the second.

The witch's gaze snapped up to me, a wicked smile playing on her lips. "You're a Dragon."

I stared blankly at her, clearing the worry from my face. "No."

Her smile widened, "You are! I win, I win, I win!" She began dancing in a circle.

I rolled my eyes, "Fine. You caught me."

The witch paused in her victory spin. "Wait. How do I know you're actually anything special... you could be lying." She crossed her frail arms and tapped her foot, waiting for a demonstration no doubt.

I sighed, "Fine. You want me to prove it? Hand me something metal and I will."

The witch spun in a circle quickly, looking for something to give me. Her eyes landed on the fork, she lunged for it and slid it to me through the bars. I reached for it. It was cold in my fingers as I spun it around examining it. I felt for that magic inside me and extended my hand towards it. I command it to not fail me now... to obey me. The fork lit up blue, it melted and reformed. When the blue light died I held a perfect key in my hands. It had a sharp end... just like I wanted.

I smiled up at her from beneath my lashes. She was seething.

"You tricked me!" She shrieked pointing her bent gnarled finger in my face.

I shrugged, "You wanted proof. I gave it to you. You never specified what to make."

The witch lunged for me and I shoved the tip of the key into her beautiful grey eye. Her shriek could be heard from anywhere in the world it was so loud and ear piercing. I covered my ears pulling the key away... and her eye with it. I held in the vomit that was slowly readying to come out at the sight of her eye on the end of the key. Without letting myself think about what I was touching, I removed the eye from the key, then shoved the metal into the keyhole. A perfect fit!

I swung the cage door open and stepped out. The witch was waiting for me, blood leaked from the hole on the left side of her face. She swung her long sharp nails for my face. I screamed as one hit its mark and sliced deep into my cheek, right below my left eye. She was out for revenge.

I ducked as she swung again and again. I backed up into the burning cauldron and spilled the boiling water onto the floor. I yelled in pain as the hot water splashed onto my bare legs. The fabric of my pants had torn off around the ankles somehow. And... my boots were now on the witch's feet.

I moved around the cauldron and continued to back up as the witch continued to swing her arms wildly, determined to hit me. I hit a wall and turned my face to the side, closing my eyes, preparing myself for the pain about to cover me. The witch screamed, and I opened my eyes to find her stepping right in a deep puddle of hot water. My breathing began to get fast and uneven. The gods were giving me a second... well, more like fifth chance. And I was taking it.

I ran towards the cottage door and bolted through the pine trees. Freedom tasted like bugs as they flew into my mouth and splattered onto my face. Freedom looked like green and brown arrows flying passed me and I ran so fast the trees flew by. Freedom smelled like sea salt. Freedom felt horrible. I had no idea where I was. No idea where to go.

I ran into a tree, my teeth singing as I waddled backwards and landed on my butt. I laid down on the forest floor and stared up at the bright blue sky above me. Trees covered up most of the view, but I still picked a spot and stared. Black and red spots erupted in my vision as I sorted through my thoughts.

I had had enough of creatures and beasts to last me the rest of my life.

Too bad I was one.

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