Chapter Two

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I spent my whole day raking, shoveling, and hoeing. My back ached and my hands were red and raw from holding wooden poles all day. The sun was starting to set, but the work day was not over until we could no longer see the light of day. I sighed and wiped the salty sweat from my forehead. My clothing was soaked with sweat and water. Halfway through the day, everyone took a break to eat and pour water on their warm tired bodies. I didn't know I needed a lunch, so after I poured the provided water on myself, I went back to work. My shirt was still drying from the bucket I dumped on myself, and the constant sweating was not helping. You would think the hot persistent sunshine would have dried it by now, but no.

I had just finished hoeing and planting my tenth row when William approached me. "Alrighty dear, you did a fair amount of work today." He pointed a thumb over his broad shoulder, "Go home. I don't need you fainting from lack of sleep and food tomorrow." He smiled kindly at me and extended his hand to take my hoe, "Good work today. It's good to see the newbie pulling their own... and more." I handed my tool to him and smiled as he said with a wink, "And bring a lunch tomorrow."

"Will do." I began my march towards home, thankful the sun was leaving us to bring the coolness of night.

When my home was finally in sight, I almost fell to my knees with relief. I picked up my pace to get there faster and noticed my mother standing outside watching me. I had forgotten about our little squabble. I paused on the rock walkway as she began marching towards me. "Raven." She called out.

That's when I felt it. Something was not right. I looked into my mother's eyes and saw fear and an overwhelming sadness. "What is it?" I asked, closing the distance between us, my legs barking in pain with each step.

She pulled me into a bone-crushing hug despite my sweat and dirt. "Your Aunt Lila has just been arrested."

Confusion took my world captive. Anger and pain and fear and disbelief spun a web in my mind. "What?" I asked breathlessly. "Why?" I pulled back from her to look in her normally bright green eyes that now looked dull.

A tear slid down her puffy red face, "She was caught in the midst of a revolution." She made a noise that sounded like a mouse squeak; she bit her bottom lip and closed her eyes before continuing. "She was leading the revolt."

My world froze, then sped up, and then crumbled altogether. Aunt Lila was our only family left. Now she would be put to death at best. If not, she would be tortured until she did die. I shook my head and held my weeping mother close. We were now a part of an endangered family. A tear slid down my face as I pictured what on earth my aunt was going through right now. They would break all her bones, pull teeth, cut hair, kick, punch, cut, stab, whip. I just stood there. Motionless, expressionless, shocked, terrified. 

My mother and I tumbled to the ground. She was shaking with the force of her wailing.

We stayed like that for two hours, until we both knew it was time to go inside. When my head hit my pillow I was instantly asleep.

I dreamt of the death and torture of my only family member left... my mother.


In the morning, I moved like a dead person. My face stayed solemn and my body only moved with short motions. I couldn't move without an ache from the day before shooting through my body. I couldn't think without pain from last night causing my knees to tremble. I remained a zombie for the whole day. William had only looked at me and pursed his chapped lips before going back to work. No one approached me or looked at me, and I knew it was because they knew. Anyone in the village that looks like the dead has had a loss. Material wise or family wise.

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